
23 June 2018

Worries! Interpret them, or interact with them?

"Don't worry, take it easy," we say/ hear it often, and we know that it is not very easy.
We have our worries, concerns, tensions, distractions, stresses, anxieties...
Often it is our approach that intensify the matter. We interpret it according to our emotional trigger.
At times we may be really helpless, in the moments of sickness, disaster etc.

Instead of interpreting them, can we try to interact with them?
They may speak to us!

God's care surrounds our life
He keeps us in love always
he remembers our worries and takes them into account.

If we can interact with them,
and place our trust on God,
God enables us to humble ourselves to offer our burdens,
and enable us to be the immediate agent of our own healing.

18 June 2018

Phenomenology to Spirituality

In every profession we seek to experience the work of God, finding the spiritual depth for our works, with the achievements and stress involved in it. A spirituality of nursing, that of caring, empathy, touch…; a spirituality of engineering, a spirituality of designing, a spirituality of marketing…need to be developed. Something foundational and bridging for this process may be to approach the phenomenology of these professional areas. Such a spirituality will provide a touch of God to the world through our fingers.

Gathered in my name

Wherever two or three are gathered...,
let us say three, 
is Christ present as a fourth person? 

Christ is present as the form of that gathering to which we are being made. 

The purpose of coming together in his name 
as a family, 
as a group, 
as a movement, 
as a congregation, 
or as the church
is to become the body of Christ.

14 June 2018

To the Unfamiliar Christ

Christ, my love, my sweetness, my truth, my life....
yet Christ is a mystery!

In friendship we know him-
but even in friendship, a strangeness remains.
true friendship wonderfully twines both familiarity and strangeness.

Christ, familiar but still there is mystery!
How do we enter into what is unknown (unfamiliar and unrecognised) of Christ?
it is in our human environment.
Christ reveals himself in our own mysteries, the unknown me,
the more we know him the more we know our own place and meaning in our environment
the more we meet him there the more we know him, the meaning of his actions...

This interaction makes us a sign for our time,
at times consoling, at times challenging.

Normally we defend and protect what is familiar,
and reject and oppose what is strange.

Failure of the Pharisees in the Gospel was that they closed themselves in the familiar.

"Unless your virtue go no deeper than that of the Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."

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