The child grew and became strong in the Spirit Lk 1: 80
At the greeting of Mary, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and the child leaped in her womb. At the naming of John the Baptist, Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke words of prophesy. Close to his death, John was again comforted by the signs of the Spirit in the works of Jesus.
We are greeted with many messages everyday, many information directly from people and from media. It is a time for a proper introspection to understand how many of them give us the touch of the Spirit, filling us with joy, and leading us to peace. It is important what we listen. Only those messages that offer hope and ensure social friendship can make us leap with joy.
You shall be called the prophet of the most high. Lk 1:76 Prophet listens to the truth, and speaks the truth, and sincerely searches for truth. Simply being zealous or revolutionary cannot make us prophets. True prophets listens to the truth through the loving kindness of the heart of God, introduces God's salvation to the people, and guides us into the way of peace. He became a voice crying out in the wilderness.
Are you the one to come after me or shall we wait for another? Lk 7:19-23 Were I giving testimony to a wrong Messiah? What John's disciples saw and heard gave John another moment of leap of joy in the darkness of the prison.