16 November 2023
Militant Christianity
Militant Christianity may support or justify war, side with warring nations. War is a sin. Who minds? The militant ideologies of Christendom is their gospel; a gospel devoid of Christ.
What does it profit if, one day, Christianity wins the whole world, and has no Christ in it?
13 November 2023
sacramentality of liturgy
The church is meant to be the sacrament of salvation. No liturgical renewal that does not hold the sacramental nature of making the gospel visible to the world is fruitful. The adorned stones and the solemn festivals in the temple were more aesthetic and awesome than the ordinary carpenter. But the ancient and the beautiful did not carry sacramentality with them.
8 November 2023
the temple
Rivers of grace flow in all of us. These rivers meet each of us in one or the other way. That is the way we make ourselves of the temple of God. The dwelling place of God is in the communion of all creation.
Faith- love- healing
The real cost of discipleship is a deliberate choice to love. It is costly because that choice demands laying down all our boundaries that separate others from us. So many 'what abouts' may come on the way to make exceptions to this choice. Such excuses devalues what we choose in following Christ.
The 'known' disciples immediately become faith healers and miracle workers. Jesus was not a faith healer. The faith that he had or he asked for was not a religious definition of a creed. He healed because he was full of love. It is that love that healed. Do the disciples have the deliberate choice to love? Most healers stand in contrast to Jesus. While preaching religion, they do not denounce hatred and cruelty, but instead propagate enmity indirectly or directly. They canonize violence.
3 November 2023
Understanding Jesus' words
Did apostles know everything that Jesus taught? No! They gradually understood that their understanding was to be corrected as they moved through various circumstances. They knew that Jesus was guiding them, though not fully knowing what all those things meant. They taught and they lived what they understood. They were understanding gradually. There is a foundation, but it was being built gradually further. Have we understood Jesus, or the apostles? Some of us claim that we do, even more than them. Can we close God to what they understood, and say that we are sure what Jesus said, and still says? Should our interpretations not be open for new light? Understanding Jesus' words receives its impetus from the Holy Spirit that cries out with deep sighs in cultural changes, new trends, pains and tragedies, and innovations and strengths and new capabilities. Thus the understanding speaks the words of touching and completing those groanings.
2 November 2023
The dead
Where are the dead? We have only one answer. They are in Christ. They live in Christ. Though they 'died,' they live, because Christ lives. The remembering of the dead makes sense only within the communion in Christ as one body. All are part of that body. The body remembers the members in gratitude and love. Those who are unknown are remembered in generosity and charity. All being in communion is the joy of the entire body.
This communion reminds us to live in Christ, in communion with him and with others. Died to sin, died in Christ all have a new self, that is being part of the body of Christ. It is everyone's role to strengthen, comfort, console one another.
തളിരുകൾ Reflections in Malayalam
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