
31 October 2016

Grant us with the saints, a place in eternal glory!

With friendship and communion alone, we can experience the complete holiness of the whole church. The church itself is a communion of those in glory, and those in purgation and growth. We together complete the church, and being together participate in the holiness of the body of Christ. It does not matter whether we are living or deceased, it is the matter of grace flowing all over this One Body. "To each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift" (Eph 4/7) "Each of us is to exercise them accordingly" (Rom 12/7). Once we realise this unity in grace, we sustain one another in the same life of God. Saints help us even without asking them. We too do the same here having the heaven inside, though we are being benefited from the needed purgation in daily growth in grace.

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