
24 October 2018

Pray from 'your' Heart

Prayer for a moment or for a year,
Prayer alone or with many,
Prayer for oneself or for others,
Must be from the heart,
from our trust in God.
Raise our hearts to God,
what we are, how we move ahead, how we struggle
God knows what we need.
May this genuineness of prayer be kept alive.

Fear and hope,
just as they function in faith,
also work in politics.
A call for prayer, hence, might also serve political purposes.
(politics involves gaining or losing power, gathering people after a common feeling, a strong sense of identity in the group ...)
A true prayer cannot be made from a consciousness created after disastrous syndrome,
because it cannot see the reality correctly.

Someone calls for prayer, does your heart feel that prayer?
Does that concern 'our' community, system, believes...only
How does this intention serve the humanity at large?
Does the attempt term some others as enemy?
Defence, protection, being with, joining so and so ....
can be terms with wrong motivation, and self oriented intention.

Real issues, but wrongly interpreted...
when prayer, sacrifices, and penances are suggested as solutions,
sympathy, solidarity, pity ... about our side; fear, insecurity... concerning others
along with prayer, it also conditions our ways of understanding the issue,
and become blind to what is real.

Is everything spiritual that we could give spiritual answers for everything?
If everything is spiritual why the worldly-spiritual distinction?

Let there be peace everywhere,
Let there be goodness everywhere,
May we possess a good will,
what else shall we pray?

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