
3 January 2019

'Jesus,' One who saves! What is in your name?

The name 'Jesus' is not a name made of J, E, S, U, S. The name becomes important and significant because it  refers to the person and function of Christ. Otherwise it would have been like any other name, just a name. 

Whether be called Jesus, Jesu, Yesu, Isa, Isho, Yezus, Hesus, Jisu, Yeshua, Jisos, Gesus, Yeshu, ... or Zishu, when called in faith they invoke the same person Jesus Christ. It is in response to the personal relationship to him we have him as the source of salvation, grace and truth. It is of no meaning to say that any one of the above name has accuracy or special effect. It is in our relationship with him we receive the efficacy of the name as powerful, sweet, loving... It is not to be imagined in any magical effect. His power, and our submission (every knee shall bow) need to be understood not in a political sense where he rules as a king. As logos everything depends on him for its very existence.

Jesus was named so, because he is the saviour. He is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Sin is not some 'thing' that can be taken away. It is absence of grace, so of life, power, light beauty...He is the saviour by giving us that grace, so life, power, light, beauty and strength. He came to give life (grace) in abundance. We who have a relation with him will receive grace upon grace. When we say about the blood of Jesus, again it is about the life that he has given to us. In any archaic  atonement ritual blood was very significant. As the blood is the symbol of life, the anointing we ask him of his blood is truly an anointing by grace. The pain and bleeding is not to create a pity feeling, but to affirm us of the strength of life poured into us.

We too are 'named' according to our character defined by the genetic, familial and cultural settings of our life. So touched by grace in that mode, we may have received a special anointing and a name. 'Jesus' is source of grace, who heals our wounds. We are named perhaps tenderness, consolation, joy, creativity, companion, strength and so on...

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