
16 March 2019

Beatitudes from nature @ Return to the dust

"Pray for those who persecute you"?
Learn from nature!
We persecute her and do all evil against her,
yet she rejoices over her children and offer the best.

One part of the nature mourns, another part brings consolation.
Look at the new sprouts, we will have the strength of new hope;
we must have the openness to listen to the Word in the process of sprouting, flowering...

How will we become humble and meek unless we know the deepest humility seen in nature.
How can we be really satisfied in our hunger and thirst,
unless we know the nourishment the nature gives?
How will we be comforted?

Unless we understand the generosity of nature,
how will we understand true justice,
how will we learn true sacrifice without knowing the value of decaying in being generous?
We cannot enter the blessedness,
if we cannot learn the humility and gratitude the nature teaches.
There are limitations, hunger, thirst, death, and decay,
blessed is she because they are the inner capabilities,
to be open for newer and further forms.

Without the lessons form nature,
how will we establish peace?
If we cannot love the nature and learn from her whom you can embrace, and be in,
how can we expect to love God whom we cannot see?

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