
6 May 2019

Humanity ... Spiritualities, that we may not all perish

Religion that looks for the continuity of its systems and institutions alone, can be at risk of losing its spirituality. Spiritualities can compliment well because they make up the whole of the human. One who practices the values of love, forgiveness and sacrifice from christian spirituality is in no way objected to look deeper into universal compassion from Buddhism, universal harmony from Hinduism, courage for justice from Sikhism, or peace from Islam. 

The crisis today is a thought that the religious systems are in danger. It is a social phenomena, but the east blame the west and the west blame the Muslims, or chose either new age trends or fundamental approach. The Muslims also react against the western domination and react differently. Instead, in loving and showing compassion no one is irritated but our lost humanity can be rebuilt. The disaster is the preference to religious structures above God.

But it is to be noticed that the religion is often a language used for political moves. Often it is the immature political interventions and international policies that sustains market economy that create domination and tension. There, 'Jesus' 'Bible' and 'temple' can become powerful political icons that gathers support for vested agenda.

Anywhere, the building up of the sense of victimhood and insecurity is a potential formation of hostility and suspect about other communities. Need of our time is to gather the courage to come together as human family or even as an earth community. Towards this purpose not only religious leaders must come together in dialogue, the political leaders also need to come forward to to rethink of their economic and political policies. Surviving alone is a vain hope today! If we live together we can live, otherwise we all perish.

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