
26 June 2019

Plato or Christ? We can't have two masters

Some Christians believe in Plato more than in Christ or in the Bible. It is Plato's view that a pre-existent immortal soul enters the human body and survives after the death of the body. Gnostic and Manichean movements believed that matter (body) is evil and death liberates us. Until then we struggle in the imprisonment of the body (the world). Christian thinking gradually got shaped accordingly and associated this dualism to morality defining good to be connected to soul, and whatever concerns the body and the world is evil.There is no dichotomous concept of the human person in the Bible. The Biblical view is that the human person is a unity, the whole human person. Those condemn the humanity of themselves and exalt the 'body and blood' of Christ are not sincere in their approach. In many ways of our piety we have learned to sacralise our hypocrisy.

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