
21 August 2019

Mary was most highly rewarded

Mary was highly favoured,
She was highly rewarded,
She was most highly rewarded.

She sings:
            “My soul magnifies the Lord, …
            The Lord has done great things for me…”

Mary was highly favoured
            She was highly rewarded,
            Was it the merit of her actions?
            or of attitudes, or of faith?
            “Behold the handmaid of the Lord,” she had said,
            She became what she was created for.

Mary was highly rewarded
            She was born full of grace,
            gratuitous grace that began a new creation.
            Blessed above the patriarchs,
            for she would show the deepest faith.
            Blessed above the prophets,
            for she would give the Word to the world.
            Blessed above the apostles,
            for she was sent to be the mother of the incarnate Word.
            Blessed above the martyrs,
            for her life was a pure offering.
            Fullness of grace,
           and most honourable merit!

Mary was most highly rewarded!
            Mother of the Word incarnate,
            Mother of us all.
            In the Word she was born,
            she became what she was created to be.
            In the Word we too were born,
            She helps us to be what we are created for.
            We too will be rewarded and honoured,
            united with the Blessed

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