
9 October 2019

Revelation and Conscience

It is the values that are cherished and lived that function as the lived culture that is transmitted from one generation to the other. Values define the quality of conscience and so, the formation of conscience is a responsible task of every community. Our emphasis on cultivating ‘religious beings’ does not ensure this conscience formation. Because often it centers on forms of religious practices and one’s ‘loyal’ adherence to a community. It can well encourage a scrupulous or a ‘hypocritical’ conscience. The first seeks a confirmation from other who confirms one’s actions, and the second justifies one’s actions within. 

Whether it be a person or a society, only a sincere conscience can recognize God’s message in a particular context. Only in genuineness the stirring within can be fruitful, and the message becomes clear. Revelation of God does not happen in light and cloud, it occurs in clear conscience. A society must ensure that its structures enables the formation of good conscience within its members.

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