
10 November 2019

God of the Living

We do not know what really happens when we die,
whether soul separates from body,
or extends to the universe or whatever,
nor do we know what exactly happens in resurrection.

One thing we are sure;
we live in Christ, now and when time ends.
Do good, be comforted in the Lord,
be strengthened in the Lord to continue the good work,
have courage even after being deceived in our good work.

Good will brings peace,

Live in Peace
Heaven that is only after death is a fake news!

3 November 2019

Christ Our home

Where is the home that we are to go to,  to enter into, and to become?
Christ himself who is the way is the home!
To be one in Christ, being in  Christ is that homeness.
Being in him we will know each other, all created things.
Those gone before have not ceased to exist, they have been transformed; soil, flowers, fruits, plants animals, humans ...
All are one in Christ, are in one home
All are in the same journey; into him, through him, with him.

All that exists comes from him; all is  by him and for him.
To him be glory for ever! Amen. (Rom 11:36)

Repentance: Confidence in God the life-giver

God has given His imperishable spirit in all that is created;
God finds them very good, and loves all that exists.
God does not hold anything of what he has formed in abhorrence;
they exist because they are called forth by God the
lover of life.

The perishable nature changes its form, God brings newer forms of life in transformation.
Thus, we know the unknown power and beauty of life and existence.

Even in human life, little by little God transforms those who offend;
They may know the creative power, move away from the damaging attitudes, and learn to trust in God.
We spoke of God forgiving, loving, being kind and merciful... in fact these are all leading us to the fullness of life, to the whole purpose of our existence.

Repentance is to place confidence in that love,
repentance is to have courage to be comforted by the embrace that opens us to the fullness of life,
life in abundance.
Repentance is not a moral transformation that seems as a condition for the disposal of grace;
moral transformation, rather, is an outcome of internal working of grace, the sign of life in us.

We live, though weak, wounded and broken, because we are called forth by God the giver of life, he does not hold us in hatred whatever may be the state we are.
Ref: Wisdom 11:22-12:2

1 November 2019

Catholicity denied within

The form of catholicity that drives us towards religious/cultural imperialism is not catholicity at all. If catholicity can not recognize the revelatory and inspirational content within diverse forms of human cultures it not only ceases to be 'catholic' in its true sense, it also denies the universality of the Word itself.

The culture and religion of the time of Jesus would keep some as 'sinners' and enemies. The elite claimed higher holiness, more perfect ritual and moral correctness, and specially 'preferred' status. Instead Jesus welcomed them all, all who wished to  come to him. They were all the children of God.He could extend himself to them, or he could see them all in himself. Thus loving oneself and loving others became one and the same process. That was the catholicity Jesus showed. 

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