
3 November 2019

Repentance: Confidence in God the life-giver

God has given His imperishable spirit in all that is created;
God finds them very good, and loves all that exists.
God does not hold anything of what he has formed in abhorrence;
they exist because they are called forth by God the
lover of life.

The perishable nature changes its form, God brings newer forms of life in transformation.
Thus, we know the unknown power and beauty of life and existence.

Even in human life, little by little God transforms those who offend;
They may know the creative power, move away from the damaging attitudes, and learn to trust in God.
We spoke of God forgiving, loving, being kind and merciful... in fact these are all leading us to the fullness of life, to the whole purpose of our existence.

Repentance is to place confidence in that love,
repentance is to have courage to be comforted by the embrace that opens us to the fullness of life,
life in abundance.
Repentance is not a moral transformation that seems as a condition for the disposal of grace;
moral transformation, rather, is an outcome of internal working of grace, the sign of life in us.

We live, though weak, wounded and broken, because we are called forth by God the giver of life, he does not hold us in hatred whatever may be the state we are.
Ref: Wisdom 11:22-12:2

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