
27 December 2019

...weeping for her children!

The Christmas message (2019) of Pope Francis begins like this: "From the womb of Mother Church, the incarnate Son of God is born anew this night."

Mother church not only celebrates the mystery of the incarnation as something external to her,
but as the living presence within her.
She also holds within herself the suffering of the witnesses to the Word made flesh.

The Holy innocents are remembered every year soon after the birth of Christ.
A cry and mourn is heard from the heart of the church for the victims of injustice and violence.
Who are the holy victims,
those helplessly lamenting,
those put to death,
those kept in fear and humiliation.

Power and insecurity will necessarily bring violence.
Political approach devoid of good will surely raise victims,
often women and children.
their men may have been already victims of war and humiliation.

From the heart of Mother Church, a voice is heard,
sobbing and loudly lamenting:
it was a weeping for her children,
refusing to be comforted because they were no more.

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