
23 July 2021

Law of the Lord

Before the law was given Moses had prepared the people, sanctified them. There was large cloud, thundering and lightening, and among the people great trembling when God appeared. The author of the book of Exodus narrates the giving of the law stretching from chapter 20 till 31: 18. However, what we see immediately is the making of the Golden calf. This context must evoke in us a sense of rejected bond of a loving heart. When the book of Deuteronomy reflects about the giving of the law for the second time what is needed is the circumcision of the heart (Dt 10: 16) what Joel speaks similarly later about the tearing of heart instead of the gestures of tearing garments Joel 2:13.

“I am the Lord your God” is the very reason of the law. Even the continuing phrase “there shall be no other god besides me” is because “I am the Lord your God.” From Is 54: 5 we have "I am your Lord, the maker, your husband." No following of rules, no ritual performance and sacrifice, no images can substitute for entering into intimacy with God in knowing who he is to us. That is why we emphasise that it is a covenant, a personal relationship. We cannot worship concepts, nor any of our convictions can grant us grace.

This shows the danger if law itself becomes God. We may be mistaken and move in a belief system based on certain regulations, not rooted in faith. Thus we lose ourselves and misguide others. In our rigidity and hardness, we want to see the victory of that belief system, bang others with ‘that truth’ which has unknowingly become an ideology but still thought to be faith and morals. Unfortunately, when law becomes God it serves those who have the power to interpret and manipulate the law. So when the law itself becomes the Golden calf it is my own desire for power is being worshiped in disguise.

So the New Covenant is not a set of laws, it is the person of Christ. We cannot dupe Christ. Whatever he is, we are enabled to be through the power of the Holy Spirit. His attitudes and behaviour is the new law we follow. Through him, with him, and in him we have the following of the Law and the living of the covenant.

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