
4 April 2022


Susanna was unjustly condemned to death. When Daniel stands at a distance saying that he is innocent of the blood, he is challenging the judgment by the elders. To prove the innocence of Susanna, he has to take the lone path of truth and justice. Jesus said, I do not judge anyone, and if I judge, that judgment is true because the father testifies to it. When Jesus says, do not judge, it also means to show mercy like the Father. So, truth, justice, charity and compassion are involved in a right judgment.
Do our judgments try to see the whole truth? Do they ensure justice? Are they with love and compassion? If not, after all why do we judge? We judge because we feel better about ourselves when we judge others wrong. Our rash judgments show that we can’t accept a difference and that has to be pushed down, we cannot include someone or some idea so we judge it wrong, we want to resist compassion and judge the vulnerable wrong, we cannot experience relatedness and everyone will be judged wrong except ourselves.
So, we require the eyes and heart of the Father to make a true judgment. “For as the Father has life in Himself, so also He has granted the Son to have life in Himself. Because He is the Son of Man, he has given Him authority to execute judgment.” Jesus judges to grant forgiveness, mercy and new life. Our judgments also can be life-giving.

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