
10 October 2022

The only sign

Race, ethnicity, nationality, and religion have been used to claim purity and elitism. It automatically condemned 'others' and separated them, promoted hatred and suspicion. It grows dangerous as God is fixed within this corrupt purity. It can never produce holiness and establish justice and peace that God wills.

St Paul maintained a distinction between children according to the body and the children according to the promise. Children according to the body is bound to the purity according to their race, language, religion... Children of the promise share joyfully the gifts of God, and make the presence of God a living reality. Jonah had closed God within his own laws, morality, and people, but he had to learn that God cares for all. The universality of God's love is the sign of Jonah. The strange thing there is that it was the 'others' the lawless people who were open to the message of God as soon  as they heard it. Even Jonah resisted against the message that God's salvation extends to all nations. 

Children of the promise, according to St Paul, was those coming to follow Christ, who share in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The children of the promise deepen its meaning and breaks forth itself in the initial announcement of the angels, "Peace to people of Good will." In them the Spirit is alive and active, and Christ is made visible. It was when meeting the 'good' people in pagan land the church began reflecting whether it is not improper to consider these good people may be deprived of heaven. Today, we may see 'even among godless' people there are good people, very good people. Do they not share the joys of the kingdom of God? There is a usual saying that it is not just enough to do good, but one must know Christ. Who has known Christ? One who clams to have known Christ and keep many people away in condemnation or a 'godless' one who exercised some Christ-like attitudes? 

Then should we not preach? Should we not evangelize? yes, teaching to walk like Christ loving every one, seeing the care and mercy of God for everyone, and seeing that happily. Kingdom of God is not in our devotions, prayers, and laws. It is in "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit" which is made available for all. "The only sign it will be given is the sign of Jonah." God can not be in custody of some religion, culture, or tradition.

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