
22 December 2022

graced one of God

The time of waiting is over,
if we have seen a Christ-birth in us,
it is already a time to rejoice.
It is a moment of fulfilment.

the 'voice' in the wilderness,
is still a 'graced one of God' (John as the name means).
His naming opened dumbness, gave a praising voice.
The fruitfulness of the Gospel, the encounter with Christ,
the birthing of the Word,
first struck by the promise, led through a silence,
a voice in the wilderness, to songs of praises.

Gospel takes us to a period of silence, dumbness of a mystic,
what speaks is the Word, not a prophet.
nothing necessitates the presence of a prophet
except in cases when the Word is not received by sincere hearts.
The function of the prophet is "He shall turn the hearts of fathers towards their children and the hearts of children towards their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a curse."

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