
23 February 2023

Suffering of Christ and Divine Justice

Our stubborn morality that demands a punishing justice from God is an absurdity in the nature of God. Justice brought by punishing offences is a process in  'gentile' courts. Divine justice wants everyone to live to the full. This nature of divine justice bring a great commitment according to the gospel values. We the righteous are often not ready for it. 

Jesus was committed to that justice. So, his love was a scandal for the holy. He bore the painful heavy burden of gracelessness. Sin-bearing is an emptying, and going lifeless, because sin is something lacking in grace. Jesus, while assuming gracelessness/ lifelessness poured out grace and life. Grace heals even the burdens and wounds that generate resistance to the path of grace or  the inability to be open to grace. 

Punishment is a must for those who bring God to their ideal legal frames. So, penalty theology is necessary to put Jesus's sufferings as a penalty for the deserved punishment over humanity. God was not adding on punishment after punishment over humanity, God was instead raising and healing many in grace. We find that God in human flesh in Jesus. Jesus lived the compassion and mercy of God. That cannot remain in healing  and doing  good. He also knew how they struggled without grace. 

Jesus had to suffer, because this justice is costly for the privileged righteous, because, taken seriously they have to welcome the unprivileged sinners to the same God's kingdom that they were guaranteed. Even while he suffered an unjust death, he lived a life-giving and self-emptying sacrifice, just as he was when he was healing the sick and forgiving sins. 

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