
19 April 2023

Condemnation and grace

"For God sent his Son into the world
not to condemn the world,
but so that through him the world might be saved."
But what a joy for us to preach condemnation than salvation.
Did God ask us to do that?
What is the standard behind our understanding on holiness, salvation or escaping condemnation?
How much portions of our retreats and seminars take about salvation and grace, or are they more about right and wrong, often judging the 'sinful they'?

Jesus did condemned sins, but they were not destructive to any one. Instead, they ensured love and life. If the risen Christ is the first fruit of the new creation, the similar fruition must be present in us also. But do our life, especially our judgments say that we are here as a sign of God's love, saving and liberating, and not as agents of condemnation.

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