
31 August 2023

Priest - liturgy

If we understand Christ properly, every creation can be seen as the members of Christ's body. We grow in and extend into that body. God dwells in and among these members. 

A priest, if he is another Christ, should have every member of Christ's body on his face. If he is acting and ministering in the person of Christ, he should have the attitudes that Christ had in his life. A priest as the minister of liturgy must mirror the life, sufferings, and joys of the community that the people can see in him their community in him. Similarly the priest must see God living in the people. This seeing each other is important communication of communion if we are sincere with liturgy. 

Loading authority over the members is not a functioning mode that Christ wanted. Enrobing a priesthood of power and authority and covering it under an hallow of holy obedience is  canonization of a lie, because it claims in the name of Christ, what was not an intention of Christ. A sense of the sacred when seeing the face of the other is yet to be developed . It may be the faces of the 'other' humans, and those of beings that are other than human. Facing a faceless crowd is not the intention of the church. A worship in truth and spirit turns sacred the faces formed in space and time. True face of a priest must resemble all these faces where the participating faces can all see each other. I dont think any one has a problem in understanding the importance of 'charity' reading the judgement of the great king at the end of time, "when you did this to the least of these ..." But the worship dimension is not permitted other than in the temple court. Ultimately we end up in priest/authority worship, ritual/liturgy worship. For they survive on each other.

If we can see the whole creation as the body of Christ, we cannot have closed boundaries. We can not have ruling priestly class. We cannot have privileged liturgies. In true worship, one faces the other, because in the other God dwells.

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