
14 January 2024

"Teacher, where do you stay?"

Masters of religion does not necessarily teach faith and a life in God. They often create an atmosphere to make religion a passion. They, unfortunately, find their resources from channels and publications that hold scepters of intolerance. Some of them also pick up anti-narratives of the teachings of the church, and make themselves only true and traditional Christians.

To 'visit' where one's master 'stays,' may help us to understand whether the master hears from God or not. The signs of a master who is alike Christ are like freedom joy, peace, goodness, grace, love. Intolerance is the sign of a master who teaches only 'religion' which is empty of God. "We will teach you who are 'ordinary' and worldly people," is their language. They promise to pray for us since they hold an elite holiness. They offer salvation for us by leading us to a world of fear, punishment, curses, demons and devils.

As a disciple, when our life and faith makes home with God, we know closely the dwelling place of a true master. Its a growth from Simon, which means 'hearing or listening,' to a faith strong as rock, Cephas. On this rock the church is renewed and rebuilt as light to the nations, and as life for the world. Only in such a journey we will understand the true meaning of Christ being the lamb of God.
For one who has made home with God, the lamb is the outpouring of life. Masters of religion favourably chose to emphasize the atonement had to be and has to be made. God seeking retribution is within the boundaries of conditions of his own love. These masters have not made home at the bosom of the Father. They close the doors against faith and the abundance of life.

Christ the teacher knew the heart of God, he wants to come and make home in us. So he speaks of the life in abundance. He teaches us to trust in that life irrespective of growth or crisis, joys or sorrows. Through the consolation that we receive through his anointing we know the 'Christ' in him.

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