
3 March 2024

Ransom unknown to God

Ransom theology has done great harm to Christianity throughout centuries. It does not represent what Jesus taught, did, and what he told about God. It is fascinating for preachers of sin-punishment logic for it can exploit a well cultivated guilt-conscience. 

Where is space of theology of grace, creation, and life? Space for creation is there in the liturgy of Easter. But scarcely the liturgy touches on creation, or the abundance of life. The life and light of easter glory is preached and heard as a continuation of suffering that is seen as ransom as though the father's justice demanded human blood for evoking his mercy. 

Ransom theology in one way or the other justifies suffering and even violence. Suffering and evil must be condemned as suffering and violence themselves. Son of God suffered and died, many innocents suffered and died. Many suffer and die as victims of war, hunger and humiliation. They are indeed victims of injustice. It must be called injustice.

Ransom theology models a saviour who paid the ransom, and yet still  promote  a spirituality of penance and reparations; again a GOD who demands suffering that mercy may be evoked in him. Why there is no penances and reparations for the injustices that we see around? Why don't we take up actions that ensure justice and see true penance in them? Self-inflicted suffering and being hungry just to appease God only serves an empty GOD who is a lie. 

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