
6 June 2024

Lessons for Discipleship

The base for discipleship is the reality of being the children of God. Children's trust spreads from being innocent reliance to a responsible commitment to the values of the Gospel. So, the faith aspect we speak of involves these dimensions and influences our personal, social, political, and religious aspects of life. It teaches us to be joyful in struggles, and walk ahead with hope. Gradually it takes us deeper into a lifegiving nature that is of self-emptying.

The lifegiving-selfemptying connection is the 'ransom' that Christ was, and that Christ asks us to be for one another. Something may be paid and remission may be given does not contain the lesson Jesus taught about the love of the Father. God wants all to be fully alive and flourishing. Grace is given to us that we can live a life that is according to God's will. Where we are weak, the same grace makes us to take these weaknesses into an experience of salvation. Gospel is the guiding light for a life of grace and for taking our weaknesses without fear or shame to the abundance of life.

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