
16 November 2024

Good and evil

We are habituated to binarize between good and evil. There are often many things that cook up evil, but remain invisible or unnoticed. These constructive elements may be disguised within the very things we have categorized as good and holy. This chosen good reflects the cruelty of our hypocritical judgements.

Where will we place God in this good-evil creation? Which is a holy people, a leader, or a nation? Truth is unconcealed only when there is kindness and compassion. So, God cannot take sides. If we put God into our chosen good and maintain the disguised evil, surely, we will also promote evil-making structures in the name of God. It can create rituals, customs and even history. 

Truth is grey and lives pass through varied struggles of good and evil. There are chosen evils and imposed evils. The light of truth is in the honesty of heart which is rarely known.

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