
1 December 2024

To be born in the Messiah

We have entered the season of advent. As the birth of the Messiah is near, it is also a preparation for how we, too, are reborn into the newness of Christ. The gospel passage presents to us images of destruction and crisis. But these images are not for being frightened, but for being watchful of ourselves.

In fact, the whole season of Advent calls us to watchfulness, to see how we are prepared for the birth of the Messiah in us. Many times, we will listen, “Prepare the way of the Lord.” This preparedness is with a purpose that we may stand confidently before the Son of Man. How shall we be watchful or prepare ourselves? Come out in our darkness with the hope of radiant light even if it is still dark. There may be a little drop of sunshine which has come to visit us. Amidst struggles and crises, this radiance is a deep desire, a sigh of our emptiness. We want to cry from the wilderness, “Come Lord.”

Advent hope, and the Christmas joy find their true and deep meaning in the shattered shelters of wilderness. The dawn of the revelation of the Son of Man brings great consolation and peace. We meet with ‘the Lord our Integrity,’ the faithful love. So, the salvation we enter into is an experience of dwelling in confidence in that love. Let us begin this from the experience of being consoled. In the coming days, we will also listen to readings describing the rich banquet of food and wine. Consolation in God’s faithful love leads us to approach him confidently and be filled and satisfied.

Isiah speaks of Christ as the virtuous branch who practices honesty and integrity. This season must make us such a branch that offers consolation, completion, and satisfaction for others. It’s a season we must feel the force of life in us, the life of Christ that wants to flower and fructify in us. Can we imagine ourselves as the virtuous branch after the image of Christ?

Amidst the disasters and perils, this season also gives us a great sign: a woman with a child. See Mary with Jesus, her hope and trust, and her dreams. Advent challenges us in our preparedness and watchfulness in our sincere effort to safeguard the dreams of women with child. Every woman wit a child dares to hope. They cry in the wilderness for a drop of future. We cannot have an experience of integral salvation and a joyful celebration of the birth of Christ when a woman places her child in the manger without bread. We cannot make Beth-lehem, the house of bread, if we continue to create the house of emptiness.

Let us feel the force of love that wants to sprout, let us feel the warmth of the rising Sun, the salvation drawing near. It's an earnest desire and a sincere commitment. Drawn to the Lord our integrity, we walk in confidence to be born in the Messiah.

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