
16 February 2016

Seeds of the Gospel

(First week of Lent Tuesday Is 55/10-11; Mt 6/7-15)
“Let there be”: God said and things came to be. The same creating word is active throughout the time till this moment. It does not return to Him empty without accomplishing its purpose. As the rains water the ground and provides seed to the sower and fruit to the hungry so does the word of God to our lives making it meaningful and fruitful. In our human living we seek for meaning to our lives. There is a meaning to each moment we live, each act we do and each person we relate to. If not, there will not be a hope for the future nor do we find any worth of the past we lived. How can we find a fruitful meaning? May every moment of our lives be object of our meditation, reflection and recollection. Because they are blessed by God, gifted to us by God as grace-filled moments. That is what we meditate: “How the grace of God has accompanied our lives”. When in celebration or when we wept alone, dressed up our children or sat with our aged parents, comforted someone with a lovely kiss or took them to heart by a deep embrace, when we received spittle on our face and were crucified, grace accompanied us. It does give meaning, and the past we lived was worth living. In parallel to our own life events we find grace-filled lives in the scriptures; lives of people who lived a relationship with God. How God’s blessing accompanied them in their longings, efforts and failures. They are not just their stories but they are our stories too; stories of how God builds, consoles and raises us up. Thus we find meaning of our lives in ever creative power in the word of God. We are given a special personal message and a story to live as part of the sacred scriptures. Then always our reference point is Jesus who is Word made flesh. He shows the truth and meaning of our lives and enables us to become like him; to live and love like him and like him sacrifice our lives as ransom for many. Christ is the nearest possibility that we can become if we want to live a life meaningful and fruitful. We are not just to become the field for a good harvest. We have to be fruitful. But the potentiality that we have is to be a seed worth to sprout and build up a new generation. The word is spoken to us and the grace is given to us that we become the seeds of the gospel. Thus we live within the scriptures carrying a message for the new generation.
Give us, Father, the daily rain; the grace for daily sustenance.

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