
27 December 2018

Word: Joyous and Passionate Care

How many caring hands we need to be grateful to...
those with gifts and with their presence.
Intimate and personal care,
most of them unseen
unrecognised and unidentified.

Grateful to the unknown yet caring mysteries of the Word
Care about every particular being
Care about its connection with others
Care about the whole body of beings
itself is the Word.

Care foresees emptying and death
yet it alone brings forth life
How many emptying must we be grateful for?

Care is a passion
a joyous passion, not a sorrowful passion
Care is the mystery of the Word
a sincere emptying..
there nothing dies, other than to live again
withers and falls to offer a world to something else.

God's hand..
Creating, moulding, healing and nourishing
emptying care in nature
Wisdom of care,
revealed only to the children of the earth.

24 December 2018

The Word meets Flesh

At every weakness and pain of ours,
there is a nearness of Christ.
Only if we can believe that sincere closeness to our own deep emptiness,
we can understand the depth of the self-emptying of the Word...
to be a baby, refugee, labourer, victim, and failure.

Word among us the flesh
among the dry dust to lush green and conscious human
Word is in everything,
everything lives by the Word

Mary loved the Word so sincerely
that she could bring forth the Word in human form
The bearer, full of grace
the borne, fullness of grace and the source of grace.

He spreads the grace fountains
to every emptiness..
Flesh in its beauty and ugliness,
searches the grace streams...

There, in the sincerity of heart,
willingness to be receptive and open,
mercy and faithfulness meet
justice and peace embrace.
Truth shall spring from the flesh
joy and peace be born in us...

Grace streams flow into our hearts,
filled by the Holy Spirit,
our feels, thoughts, visions, words, touches will have grace contents.
We are born...

The Word becomes flesh, the moment of true Christmas.

Ref Ps 85: 10

16 December 2018

God is My Strength My Song

Greater the preparation when great person is awaited....
A worthy preparation means that we also know really who is coming...

Preparations for the messiah...
Is the preparation of sufficient quality
Do we really know him? Will we recognise him if he is among us?

What  must we do? the people  asked John the Baptist
He was voice crying out in the wilderness,
"Prepare the way for the Lord"

He warned about the axe and winnowing fan
to look deeply into  the reality of our treasures...
with a sincere heart in absolute trust,
having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience. 

Following all the commandments from childhood, 
one young man asked Jesus: 
"What must I do to inherit the joy of God?"
He was sincere in his question,
and so was his emptiness after having followed the Law.
Why was there no joy of God born in his heart?

It is a distance by option.
We can stop at what gives us a clean face,
where we would have already received the reward.
Scribes knew the Scripture,
they knew how to take advantage of it too,
yet they lost the messiah.

Preparations for the messiah...
Is the preparation of sufficient quality?
After knowing every verse of the scripture so well...
Do we really know him? Will we recognise him?

In Micah's words, "what does the Lord ask of you, but to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly before the Lord?"

It challenges our nominal performances, and put us into a bond where  the Word has to become a living and accompanying presence than a text; a voice crying out in the human conscience. There we have the sense "your Word is a lamp to my steps, and light to my path."
It opens the eyes of the blind, and the deaf begin to hear in sincere heart and absolute trust, having our hearts cleaned from an evil conscience.

This guiding presence is an inner strength, source of joy; 
for a person,  for a community, and for a family
God is in our midst, 
I (we) stand amidst my (our) struggles; 
God rejoices over me (us) with gladness, 
he renews me (us) in his love; 
he dances with joy as on a day of festival,
and he exults over me (us) with loud singing.

Zeph 3: 18, Is 42: 7, Ps 119: 105, Heb 10: 22, Mic 6:8, Lk 3: 10

11 December 2018

Open the Grace-doors towards a Generation of New Innocence

Can we offer a new innocence to the next generation?
How will they remain innocent,
if our generation is not filled with grace.

How could we imagine of that innocence,
Sin-less or grace-filled?

This vision will determine the way we approach the reality of our life - 
the first will focus on sin removal and control of evils,
but the second will focus on the work of grace and trust in God.

Open the grace doors.
Closed within ourselves, are the self that we struggle with
struggle to be to the fullness of our own nature
 the need to be embraced by grace
emptiness, the void, the wound, the craving
the closed grace doors..

Open the grace-doors.

Just as the grace is allowed to enter
we enter into gratitude and praise...
there we may find consolation, peace and joy

"I will thank you for you have answered
and you are my saviour.
the stone which the builders rejected
has become the corner stone.
  this is the work of the Lord,
a marvel in our eyes." Ps 118: 21 - 23

5 December 2018

They Continued Distributing Bread

Once again there was a multiplication of bread
It was a great excitement
bread, people, laughter....
Master went to pray
They continued distributing bread,
when it was less they bought and distributed...

Master said: "Father, why have you abandoned me?
I have none but you
into your hands i commend my spirit"

1 December 2018

Advent: Rejoicing, yet still Preparing

The joy and grace of advent is of meeting and waiting.
The two carry us gracefully
we have met, yet we wait
rejoicing and preparing. 

During the season of advent we visit many houses, through the readings given to us. We witness the events that took place at Nazareth, Bethlehem, house of Elizabeth. From annunciation to the nativity scene we have a common home ie nature. 

The advent wreath reminds us of creation which primarily speaks of plenitude, life, creativity, beauty and joy. The creation manifests the wisdom of God. Creation is truly the first revelation of God.

Looking within and looking at each other, 
they long for the whole manifestation of what they were revealing about God in themselves.

The heavens proclaims the glory of God
and the firmament shows for the work of his hands.
day unto day takes up the story
and night unto night makes known the message
No speech, no word, no voice is heard
yet their span extends through all the earth,
their words to the utmost bounds of the world. Ps 19: 1 - 4 

There were prophets, kings, wise and holy men and women
Looking within and looking at each other, 
they long for the whole manifestation of what they were revealing.

They all know that they are not the Word, but a voice, a witness to the Truth.

Not just that Christ completes what was revealed in them, 
but he was what was being revealed.
Looking within the Christ revealed (in me), 
and looking at each other - in creation, other religions, culture (for the Christ yet to be known by me).

Both the creation and the human history open their silent cry, 
maran atha (Our Lord has come, Our Lord has been made known), 
and marana tha (Come Lord, yet to be known).

The two carry us gracefully,
we have met, yet we wait,
there is rejoicing, yet still preparing,
there is celebration, but it still asks introspection.

Facing a needed change without grace threatens,
and we assume a crisis, the end of days...
but, that end has to happen.

Watch yourself
you must realise the presence,
you must watch and prepare yourself too.
It is to stir the conscience.
The preparation is forming and transforming,
discernment and judgement.

We shall rejoice together...

Blessed be the Lord,
He has visited his people...
through the tender mercy of our God,
when the day shall dawn upon us from on high 
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, 
to guide our feet into the way of peace. Lk 1: 68, 78,79
See also ഒരുക്കം: രൂപീകരണം രൂപാന്തരണവും 

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