
11 December 2018

Open the Grace-doors towards a Generation of New Innocence

Can we offer a new innocence to the next generation?
How will they remain innocent,
if our generation is not filled with grace.

How could we imagine of that innocence,
Sin-less or grace-filled?

This vision will determine the way we approach the reality of our life - 
the first will focus on sin removal and control of evils,
but the second will focus on the work of grace and trust in God.

Open the grace doors.
Closed within ourselves, are the self that we struggle with
struggle to be to the fullness of our own nature
 the need to be embraced by grace
emptiness, the void, the wound, the craving
the closed grace doors..

Open the grace-doors.

Just as the grace is allowed to enter
we enter into gratitude and praise...
there we may find consolation, peace and joy

"I will thank you for you have answered
and you are my saviour.
the stone which the builders rejected
has become the corner stone.
  this is the work of the Lord,
a marvel in our eyes." Ps 118: 21 - 23

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