
1 December 2018

Advent: Rejoicing, yet still Preparing

The joy and grace of advent is of meeting and waiting.
The two carry us gracefully
we have met, yet we wait
rejoicing and preparing. 

During the season of advent we visit many houses, through the readings given to us. We witness the events that took place at Nazareth, Bethlehem, house of Elizabeth. From annunciation to the nativity scene we have a common home ie nature. 

The advent wreath reminds us of creation which primarily speaks of plenitude, life, creativity, beauty and joy. The creation manifests the wisdom of God. Creation is truly the first revelation of God.

Looking within and looking at each other, 
they long for the whole manifestation of what they were revealing about God in themselves.

The heavens proclaims the glory of God
and the firmament shows for the work of his hands.
day unto day takes up the story
and night unto night makes known the message
No speech, no word, no voice is heard
yet their span extends through all the earth,
their words to the utmost bounds of the world. Ps 19: 1 - 4 

There were prophets, kings, wise and holy men and women
Looking within and looking at each other, 
they long for the whole manifestation of what they were revealing.

They all know that they are not the Word, but a voice, a witness to the Truth.

Not just that Christ completes what was revealed in them, 
but he was what was being revealed.
Looking within the Christ revealed (in me), 
and looking at each other - in creation, other religions, culture (for the Christ yet to be known by me).

Both the creation and the human history open their silent cry, 
maran atha (Our Lord has come, Our Lord has been made known), 
and marana tha (Come Lord, yet to be known).

The two carry us gracefully,
we have met, yet we wait,
there is rejoicing, yet still preparing,
there is celebration, but it still asks introspection.

Facing a needed change without grace threatens,
and we assume a crisis, the end of days...
but, that end has to happen.

Watch yourself
you must realise the presence,
you must watch and prepare yourself too.
It is to stir the conscience.
The preparation is forming and transforming,
discernment and judgement.

We shall rejoice together...

Blessed be the Lord,
He has visited his people...
through the tender mercy of our God,
when the day shall dawn upon us from on high 
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, 
to guide our feet into the way of peace. Lk 1: 68, 78,79
See also ഒരുക്കം: രൂപീകരണം രൂപാന്തരണവും 

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