
14 April 2019

Crosses: Fake and Real

Let us sincerely show our crosses to Christ, with all their heaviness, pain, shame and complaints. Our struggles in loving, forgiving, understanding, sufferings and enduring, loneliness, pain, weaknesses and temptations, yet our sincere efforts trusting in the grace of God - that is our real cross, the life-giving one. Christ will be ready to die on those crosses with lot of love pouring out his life into them, and a new life to us.

Christ will not come to die on the fake crosses we make, crosses that we make by thinking 'I am doing or sacrificing this and that for Christ.' We must recognise the salesmen of such fake-crosses who say that we must do this and that for the love of Christ. They neither help us to recognise our real crosses, nor do they enable us to take our crosses to Christ. They want to promote the crosses they want to promote.

They are the modern-day money-changers of the temple.

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