
15 April 2019

The First Station: The Grateful Heart of Christ

'Jesus is condemned to death' is not the first station. The grateful heart of Christ is the beginning of the Way of the Cross. We cannot make any sacrifice or become a sacrifice without growing in gratitude. He does not want us to remind ourselves of the torments we gave him and put a blame on us once again. But a since re effort to walk on the path that Jesus walked - that is the way of the cross.

The first station - Two things we need to meditate on his grateful heart. 

One: Gratitude towards his own life and about the pain that he was to endure. He was thankful because he believed that his sacrifices were accepted, and because he lovingly accepted the will of the Father though it was bitter.

Two: Who understands this thanksgiving sacrifice and lives it? They are ordinary people, the babes. They find their God in their little joys and small complaints, and they know that God accepts both. They also know that pain and struggles are part of their life and God is there.
This wisdom is hidden from the Know-all, and the super-pious categories of people. They cannot pass the first station. How will they live the way of the Cross?

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