
23 April 2020

Breaking the bread in CoVid days

Gathering together at a suitable time (probably evening), feel the presence of God as one family.
In silence,
Thanking God for being with us,
Bring the whole day before God, even  the concerns for tomorrow...
moments of love, care, anger, disappointment, stress, confidence, accompaniment, hatred, temptations...
Offer them all to God, trusting in God, believe that they are accepted.

Encourage all to share some special experience of the day, or news heard or an image seen and the sentiments towards.. how you made it a prayer and experienced the presence of Christ.
It is as to experience, "Yes, Jesus is here."
Pray for all in need, all that you need to bring in prayer.

Read a portion of the Gospel. Listen once again in heart. Thank Jesus for bringing the Gospel in your life moments.

Breaking of bread (it will  have no sacramental nature but a prayerful remembrance)
- A portion of the meal prepared
Thank God for the gift of the earth and its produce, thank God for the many hands work day and night for the welfare of the society (emphasize some if a context is significant),
remember those who are hungry, those denied a place from the community,
encourage a sense of gratitude as the breaking signifies the sacrifices of many,
pray for those for whom our lives are offered in sacrifice
pray for the grace to sacrifice our life for those immediately present and others
pray for the grace to forget divisions and remain one as the bread is shared among the members.
pray for healing from pride, prejudices, false-pride, insecurities and suspicions...

Experience a time of peace, being filled with life from God
Spend a few moments inviting the grace to accompany in our journey specially in difficult moments.
Ask God to fill us with compassion, love, unity, good will and peace.
I have in my mind three types of groups; ordinary family, family with sick or elderly, labourers' dormitory or hostel

If there are children make them understand what it is and encourage and help them to be reflective and attentive in this experience during the day. It only requires a sensitivity to see more and feel more about the goodness around, and the pain and struggles around. Let them learn to be sensitive and compassionate to humanity and nature. initiate them also to the dynamics of nature.

What is required is a sincere feeling, remembrance, and commitment. Letting a devotionalism within this may not produce what is intented. It is spontaneous and familial.

Of course it might be a matter of shyness initially, but it can offer a lot of depth not only in our personal lives, also in our knowledge of God.

19 April 2020

Divine Mercy

Grant us and the whole world the grace to be merciful, that we may receive mercy. Lord we trust in you.
For any devotion to be fruitful, we need to have an earnest desire to have the virtue intented in the devotion.
Having war, competition, and hatred (even out of religious reasons) at heart, we cannot celebrate Divine Mercy.

18 April 2020

Hunger @ post-CoVid-19

Hunger seems to be the new perspective through which the Gospel will be read and must be preached.
Hunger has always been there, but since it was 'their' hunger it was never really felt.
Though some of us may still have food, it will be under the eyes of millions who are hungry.
The bread we eat may be an extra privilege, and so does demand extra gratitude.
The felt hunger and gratitude must necessarily reflect in the breaking of the bread, because the bread becomes a privileged presence of life for many.
Amidst the struggle and sensed gratitude, the available food is always raised as a gift that in turn to be shared to others. Giving thanks, can families begin to have a ministry of 'breaking of bread.' Though it may not have a sacramental nature it can bring a great sense of givenness of resources and that of others. It might also connect the family with the millions elsewhere who have no food.

16 April 2020

Gospel after CoVid-19

We seem to be stepping into a different world; different ways of education, interactions, social patterns, perhaps even religious behaviors.
- A world divided between business interests and the struggle
to survive
- A world of hunger, joblessness and homelessness,
- A world that would be shaped in small cluster patterns.

In the same world we see the Crucified and the Risen,
in common efforts, good will, cooperation, compassion, goodness and love.

He may be betrayed;
because both the cut-throat profit seeking in business
and the competing banners of religion are at work.

We need small groups of good will that can carry out the life-giving life of Jesus; a common consciousness of humanity towards abundance and flourishing of life.

Now is the time to saw the seed with the deepest desire and conviction,
thus to become agents, witnesses, and recipients of the Gospel.

13 April 2020

Hear Your Name

There was a star when Jesus was born,
where is the star of the resurrection?

Brightness of the resurrection shines in our hearts,
new level of faith, hope, and deeds of goodness.
Mary stood at the tomb weeping,
she did not recognize Christ standing near.
He called her by name, "Mary"
Thomas was losing hope, puzzled, wandering,
He called him too by name, "Thomas"
That was enough for them to light up new life within them.

When you become empty and lonely, and darkness fills everywhere,
when you are afraid of death, death begins to overpower you,
You can hear Christ calling you by name,
a voice, tender and loving,
"I have called you by name, and you are mine."

12 April 2020

Day is dawned

Day is dawned,
still dark, cold, and fearsome.
The dead, the dying, the weak... What next...
The Risen one said: "Peace be with you."
"We can't Lord."
"I know it is hard.
Come, see my wounds, keep your hands on my wounds."

"My Lord, and my God."

He Walks with Us

The empty tomb,
empty churches,
people confined to their houses...

They could not find him in the tomb, nor in the temple.
The angel said: "He is not here."
Magdalene went in search of him,
He himself walked with her,
Magdalene hears being called by her name.

Go to Galilee...
invisible but a presence of nearness, true and constant
walking once again, through the same path
in the boat and on the shore at Tiberius,
through the fields where they argued who was the greatest,
places where he healed the sick,
He is with us, and among us.
they saw him, knew him, and believed.
Though the doors were shut, if we can be one in heart,
we can hear again, " Peace be with you."

Emmanuel - God with us
But they came from Sanhedrin -
"What do you know who were born in sin?"
"Hear only what we say, and do that. only that is right."
With that sense of righteousness,they went again to the tomb in search of him.
Christ too walked with them to the tomb since he wanted to  be with them.
When they returned, he too walked
to their houses, working places, offices.
They spoke the things they learned, that was right for them,
He longed to listen from their hearts.

He is with us, the Risen one; at home, in the school, at the study desk, in hospitals, in fields, in rivers to swim, in the sea ...

11 April 2020

She [the whole medical staff] Stood Outside the Tomb Weeping

...early in the morning they came to anoint the wounds of the healer, now laid lifeless.
She stood outside the tomb weeping.

At the time of a pandemic these days, there are Medical care staff anointing the pain and fear of the sick, the dying, and the abandoned with care, encouragement, compassion, and companionship. These healers themselves are turning lifeless, hungry, fatigued,and some dead. 
They stood by them, and outside the wards sobbing.

They do not have time to weep or to complain; they are not even permitted to do so. ... 
The powers that do not take their life into account are giving a free hand for silencing and killing life itself. What interests make them heartlessly blind? Which are those powers that keep life locked in the tomb? Lauds and cheers become a cruel joke at the risk that the medical staff take if their life and safety are not ensured.

The guards of the tomb threw into silent darkness the resurrection that they saw before their eyes, having received money and being submissive to powers.
How could they bear the burden of that silence?
Judas who sold his master,
the authorities and guards who dice the resurrection for money.

We are witnessing that money do keep control over life even today.

10 April 2020

When the Word is Silent

The Word is silent;
a time for us
that we pray in patience and trust.
'Storming the heavens' may not calm the storm,
growing sense of belonging holds us in care.
Leave activism and performances,
stand still in trust and silence,
filled with his peace.

5 April 2020


What are the signs that our lives are open towards life even in the midst of pain and anxiety due to the pandemic, deaths, sorrow...?

"The Kingdom of God is within you," he said. 
The signs of lives also will surely be within and among us,
even within those entering into the mystery of death.
Seeing Him dying, the one near to him saw paradise in Him,
and another the light of righteousness.

Time passes through gloom and fear of CoVid-19
Should there not some new tender sprouts during this transformation into a new person?
We must sing Hosanna raising those tender sprouts of new hope.
Hope is a sign that the life of God is really active in us. We are are being formed and transformed every moment in that life. Only then we can live as Christ, in his life, death, and resurrection.
It is a life-process to live and complete the life-giving mystery of Christ, as a person and as a community; to be human like Christ, to sacrifice life like Him, and lead many to life.

This week is a remembrance of self-emptying and sacrifice. May we be able to imitate the life-giving sacrifice of Christ, to live that life, prepare our minds and to plan as possible for these on going efforts. Our own surrounding is the Jerusalem and Calvary for us. Unless we bring the sacrificial moments to our everyday moments, we cannot live as Christ. Such attitudes of life-giving sacrifice  are more required than ritualistic abstinence. 

These were the mind of Christ,
It was not like a judge that he offered forgiveness,
it was not like a miracle worker that he offered healing;
he offered life by emptying himself,
extending comfort in sorrows, life in death.
To pass on comfort, life, and healing like Christ,
we need to be able to empty our selves, and fill ourselves with life.
A real sacrifice is to keep aside the boundaries that provide 'special'ness/ highness
redemption is to take others to one's own richness of life, and enable to live.
(it is liberative to reflect on the boundaries that Christ challenged and destroyed. We may be able to recognize those boundaries that have taken a place equal eve to God).
The simple deeds flowing from a vision of life-fullness in self emptying sacrifice are the signs of hope during these time of pain, the sincere sacrificial rituals of the way of Christ.

Hosanna (God saves)
Lord, we pray;
Grant us life and strength.

Let us take joyfully the fresh shoots of new branches,
hoping that they will flower, bear fruits,
with an attitude to sacrifice life, and fill many with lives.

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