
23 April 2020

Breaking the bread in CoVid days

Gathering together at a suitable time (probably evening), feel the presence of God as one family.
In silence,
Thanking God for being with us,
Bring the whole day before God, even  the concerns for tomorrow...
moments of love, care, anger, disappointment, stress, confidence, accompaniment, hatred, temptations...
Offer them all to God, trusting in God, believe that they are accepted.

Encourage all to share some special experience of the day, or news heard or an image seen and the sentiments towards.. how you made it a prayer and experienced the presence of Christ.
It is as to experience, "Yes, Jesus is here."
Pray for all in need, all that you need to bring in prayer.

Read a portion of the Gospel. Listen once again in heart. Thank Jesus for bringing the Gospel in your life moments.

Breaking of bread (it will  have no sacramental nature but a prayerful remembrance)
- A portion of the meal prepared
Thank God for the gift of the earth and its produce, thank God for the many hands work day and night for the welfare of the society (emphasize some if a context is significant),
remember those who are hungry, those denied a place from the community,
encourage a sense of gratitude as the breaking signifies the sacrifices of many,
pray for those for whom our lives are offered in sacrifice
pray for the grace to sacrifice our life for those immediately present and others
pray for the grace to forget divisions and remain one as the bread is shared among the members.
pray for healing from pride, prejudices, false-pride, insecurities and suspicions...

Experience a time of peace, being filled with life from God
Spend a few moments inviting the grace to accompany in our journey specially in difficult moments.
Ask God to fill us with compassion, love, unity, good will and peace.
I have in my mind three types of groups; ordinary family, family with sick or elderly, labourers' dormitory or hostel

If there are children make them understand what it is and encourage and help them to be reflective and attentive in this experience during the day. It only requires a sensitivity to see more and feel more about the goodness around, and the pain and struggles around. Let them learn to be sensitive and compassionate to humanity and nature. initiate them also to the dynamics of nature.

What is required is a sincere feeling, remembrance, and commitment. Letting a devotionalism within this may not produce what is intented. It is spontaneous and familial.

Of course it might be a matter of shyness initially, but it can offer a lot of depth not only in our personal lives, also in our knowledge of God.

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