
12 April 2020

He Walks with Us

The empty tomb,
empty churches,
people confined to their houses...

They could not find him in the tomb, nor in the temple.
The angel said: "He is not here."
Magdalene went in search of him,
He himself walked with her,
Magdalene hears being called by her name.

Go to Galilee...
invisible but a presence of nearness, true and constant
walking once again, through the same path
in the boat and on the shore at Tiberius,
through the fields where they argued who was the greatest,
places where he healed the sick,
He is with us, and among us.
they saw him, knew him, and believed.
Though the doors were shut, if we can be one in heart,
we can hear again, " Peace be with you."

Emmanuel - God with us
But they came from Sanhedrin -
"What do you know who were born in sin?"
"Hear only what we say, and do that. only that is right."
With that sense of righteousness,they went again to the tomb in search of him.
Christ too walked with them to the tomb since he wanted to  be with them.
When they returned, he too walked
to their houses, working places, offices.
They spoke the things they learned, that was right for them,
He longed to listen from their hearts.

He is with us, the Risen one; at home, in the school, at the study desk, in hospitals, in fields, in rivers to swim, in the sea ...

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