
27 September 2020

Can you go to the vineyard?

Life is not just a promise of God, God has given us life, God desires that we live fully. 

We bear in us personal sorrows, and that is natural, but it should not be giving way to be a form or a measure of death in us. When we bear lifelessness we spread death around.

We deceive ourselves very well by saying great Yes to the peripherals and profits while neglecting the core. We are ready to receive the incentives, but not really serious about what is important - Christ and his values. To defend our deceptive choices we also make radical ideals out of them often compromising Christ. Often these ideals remain within some closed definitions. 

Radical ideals without faithfulness is absolute hypocrisy. Here it aims only the defense of the ideologies one attaches one's identity.

When it is said, "Go to the vineyard" (Mt 21:28) we are given the power to chose life or death for ourselves and for others. There is already the reward, 'Enter into the joy of your master,' or 'enter into life.'  For the work of the vineyard is that of life. The great natural reality is life, death is only a mysterious part of it. Unfortunately we are burdening ourselves with the concerns of death. There is every possibility of opening channels of grace and life. May our roots touch once again the streams of life. God is life-giver, not destroyer. Even the messages of punishment is with the purpose that we turn away from the ways of death and live. 

Can you go to the vineyard?

What matters is what we do in the vineyard. For the Pharisees and the elders, they were fully assured of their favour according to what their definitions of righteousness said. The 'sinners' had no assurance, but they had only the hope they found in God. this difference matters. Entering into the vineyard with the joy of the master is a faithful labour, harvest in the vineyard. 

Those self-experts of every matter of the vineyard will put the outcome of their evil justifications under  vine, causing damage to the vine.  They blame the neighbours when vine withers. Faithful ones will labour knowing the mind of the master.

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