Should we throw away Fratelli Tutti (Encyclical Letter on the Fraternity and Social Friendship) because of the language problem in the title?
The document, “Fratelli Tutti,” directly translated “Brothers All”, is expected to be a synthesis of the main priorities of Francis, such as greater solidarity with the poor, dialogue with others and care for God’s creation. He has been pointing out to the context of Covid-19 as an opportunity to reform global economic, political and social structures to ensure that the world’s most marginalized people aren’t left even farther behind after the coronavirus passes.
Francis always addresses crowds as fratelli e sorelle (brothers and sisters). Now the title Fratelli Tutti is taken from the words of St. Francis of Assisi, and no way intends to exclude women. The encyclical begins as “FRATELLI TUTTI”. With these words, Saint Francis of Assisi addressed his brothers and sisters and proposed to them a way of life marked by the flavour of the Gospel.” Encyclicals traditionally take their titles from the first two words of the document. “Fratelli Tutti” is a quote from the “Admonitions,” the compendium of 28 guidelines written by St. Francis in the 13th century addressing to all his fellow friars: "omnes fratres" or, in Italian, "fratelli tutti." The preference of Italian ‘Fratelli’ to original Latin ‘fratres’ seems to be with a more inclusive sense. the Italian phrase has the common connotation of "all of humanity" and is, by default, inclusive.
It is not just unfortunate if anyone feels that women are excluded or the encyclical endangers women around the world. How can someone read the document as though Pope Francis keeps women away. The encyclical calls out for ways how people relate to the poor, the elderly, people from other religions, and migrants and immigrants. The encyclical by its very nature is addressed to the whole world and addresses all sisters and brothers, all men and women who populate the earth: everyone, inclusively, and in no way exclusively. The subtitle “on the fraternity and social friendship” points to the intention and content of the document. Stopping at the title would show being too superficial in our intentions. What is needed is a dialogue about the ways in which we relate to each other continues to be fragmented and broken.
Recalling the attacks on the Amazon synod by corporate interests, and the blind criticisms on Pope Francis’ Call for signing Global Pact of Education (both oppositions camouflaged in the ideology of ‘true faith,’ and ‘faithful Christianity’), this present dissonance falling prey to gender politics might take the worthy attention away from the greatness of the document in its call for solidarity of all humanity (Of course, the encyclical goes against the interests of some Christian nationalist populists). Keeping aside the title issue, what is essential in Fratelli Tutti is a way forward for a new humanity; a powerful invitation to name ‘all others, strangers and enemies’ as close to the heart of Christ as my neighbour, friend, companion, brother, sister…
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