
1 January 2021

Bethlehem, An Old Story for a Time Ever New

There May Be Something Better

We were making all our attempts to see the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn with an available telescope. It may be possible one day to adjust the power of our eyes as we want. We are excited with the amount of progress we see every day. We hope to become superhuman, create super intelligence, and live in a posthuman age where there may not be anything that is impossible for us. The promise of such an illusory perfect future also reflects in some ideologies that take the values like liberty, rights, individuality in a closed and exclusive sense.

We welcome this new time with a hope that something better may be there in the coming year.  The time past may have been dark and cold. A buried seed is in darkness, but the feel of a new life shakes itself, and breaks it open. There is an unbearable struggle to survive. We see a tree that is cut struggles to bring new sprouts, we saw the migrants walking for miles, we see the farmers in the biting cold. Amidst panic, uncertainty and loss it is togetherness that bring hope. So, amidst all our progress, this moment may be a radical one as we enter into a new time; for us to sprout, A human environment is important for us to have meaningful new year. We look forward to an environment not just of water, soil, and air, but that of a culture that is human, accompanying in the limitedness, smallness, brokenness and vulnerability. This is what we have perhaps learned last year.

When futurism is all about credit of wealth and power according to the expected profit, the manger at Bethlehem tells us a challenging story for all time.

“Shepherds went to Bethlehem, and saw Mary and Joseph, and baby at the manger.” Where do we search for life and its meaning? There is no camera, tight security, flex printing.

With heaviness we cannot enter the manger. We thank God because we are small. After that night there was no angel. Probably there were shepherds, not with wonder but with care for a baby and mother. Shepherds both men and women making some necessary arrangement, a little girl gently touching the cheek and fingers of baby Jesus, and Mary smiling at the girl. All strangers from somewhere, caring for a new born baby. Mary was full of grace, and now she sees the grace at work in the care of those 'small' people. Mary treasured all these and pondered in her heart. She often retold this story which made a strong and courageous newness in the attitude of Christ. Mary treasured and pondered in her heart the hope that can be there within the hearts of the mortals. We are corruptible and frail, yet there is a seed of life, there is always a new hope.

Every new year is hope and joy of mere mortals. It tells us of new life, new harvest, a new beginning. Janus is Roman god of all beginnings, presider over passages, doors, gates and endings. Connected to the creation of light, March 25, 4th day of creation was also new year, As the day begins to grow, flowers bloom and joy of life is seen. A new light dawned on creation when Christ was conceived in the womb of Mary.

New Vision

“They gave him the name Jesus, the name the angel had given him before his conception.” Today is the day when the child is brought to the temple and given the name ‘Jesus,’ Simeon sees in the child the fulfilment of all that he longed for many years; the salvation for all the nations.

‘Now, Master, you can let your servant go in peace, just as you promised;
because my eyes have seen the salvation
which you have prepared for all the nations to see,
a light to enlighten the gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.’

For all these, who is this child? The One who is born of Mary is God. Theotokos, the mother of God.

It is a new time, if we are able to see the grace-filled moments that moves us in peace. In every nation and tribe, glory to be made visible in the light of Christ.

There May Be a New Self

Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. New beginning is to bear God in us. If our piety really bears God in us, it will pierce our heart. New self as a God-bearer must undergo the baptism Jesus received. Empty yourselves that life may come forth. Unique bringing forth will be challenged and rejected.

Newness in Doing Good  

If we are a God bearer we will have birth-pang all the time. God is ever living, ever lifegiving and so ever birthing. We don’t have to prepare a fitting context that we may live a godly life; saying "now I am not able to live a godly life because the situations do not allow that." Pondering and treasuring the moments we can find gracefulness, the voice that speaks. We must remember “I will give you everything” were words spoken by the devil. Jesus said: “Seek the kingdom, everything will be added unto you.” Look at the light of Christ (light to the nations and glory of Israel), follow an attitude, way of approach, his character, begin to live as moments call.  Being a God-bearer be and give a blessing to the world.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and grant you peace.

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