
18 January 2021

Fasting and emptying

Forty days and forty nights,
He fasted and prayed in the desert.
He fought against 'divine' promises that were false.
produce bread with a word of command
prove yourself to be the Son of God by foolish heroism, an exhibition of divine power, even supported by the Word of God 
make everything under your possession by an act of worship

After he heard the voice that he was the son of God, in fasting he fought with falsity of God; what god is not.  

With loud cries and bitter tears he offered his prayers and supplications to the father who would hear him. He was heard because of his faithfulness.  

His prayer and fasting was of emptying, not with expectation of gaining.

We may have everything, managing power, resource, miracles, ... but may lack Christ. That is the time we need to fast and earnestly pray for the grace of self emptying.

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