
30 April 2021

Peace, we need

Many of us are facing a life-death struggle face to face these days. At times we are helpless, anxious, afraid, and broken. May God the giver of life fill us with peace; peace which is an openness towards a life-touch in every sphere of life. That may not 'solve' the crisis, but we will be able to stand these difficult moments.

When people are dying all around, losing the beloved ones we too may have a fear of death or a desire for death. We need a comfort and consolation from God that guide us towards trusting in God who leads us through the course of life in whatever direction it moves. That could enable us to pass through a death that is self emptying and life giving like that of Jesus.

What is required now is to encourage, support, trust, console each other, filling more of peace in everyone's heart. It is a ministry that is called for from all of us irrespective of religions. Seeing the vulnerable faces of each other we might come to know the bond among us.

There is no easy and immediate solution; and our prayers are not problem solving tools. The divine action is in our attitudes and gestures. They may be of an encouragement to keep the hope alive, not to be afraid even as someone feels deadly fatigue, to develop a heart that frees ourselves from unaccomplished ambitions and dreams in order that the moments of struggle may not be those of disappointment and regret, to offer a message of forgiveness that they are forgiven (by humanity and by the divine) that they may not be burdened by guilt.

May we be filled with peace, whether we are to live or to die.

It adds a responsibility for having concern for the poor, those who have no access to hospitals. We cannot let them die helpless.

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