
5 May 2021

begin to contemplate on death

If we want ourselves and others free of panicking in a pathetic situation, it cannot be done just by denial of it. We are in the midst of it, and we are faced with unfortunate events occurring almost every moment if we are waiting in a hospital. what prevails is uncertainty, and the fear of death.

If we speak of hope, it is not born just within a positive thinking or avoiding some 'bad' information. I feel that two things are essential in having hope that comforts and consoles our fears and uncertainties. They are gratitude and trust. Gratitude not only reminds us of what we have received, it also tells us how we have been held towards a bond of love, acceptance and nourishment. So it maintains an assurance of nearness of many though they may not be physically near. if we have lived a true bond of love, we also have a feeling of fulfillment and readiness to offer everything. Only our confidence of great human family we will be able to be free of our concern for other members of the family. Trust enables us to give ourselves in the hands of others and of God. Is it really true and practical? whatever may be the answer, it is sure that it is not something that is not impossible.

It is important to be able to be calm and not in distress. What we come to learn in such occasions is that we need each other as a human family and as members of the community of all living and nonliving things. They are with us, and they accept us. They can be trusted.

So it is important that we begin to contemplate on death more creatively as a moment of generous giving and trust. Seeing our loved ones in struggle is painful, but we cannot lose peace, then alone we can grant peace. Seeing the struggle of many we too may find ourselves helpless. This interior preparation is necessary for being ready for the worst. It is a preparation of cultivating and fruition of human goodness. We need each other. Our minds and hearts are to be ready in persona and in society to stand the third wave of Covid. We need to 'reinvent the human' within ourselves. It is a deep process, but urgent.

When we are still alive we will have been a new humanity with bonds of love, capable of trusting, nourishing one another.

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