
8 May 2021

Love one another

 Just as the presence of God is a living reality, loving one another is also a lived reality. It cannot be simply an affectionate extension. I like someone, I love someone. That is fine.

'Love one another' means I can never be 'not loving' anyone. if I keep someone away from love, I cease to be in the church, I cease to be in the body of Christ. We can reflect on this relating to Jesus' words, 'Abide in my love,' Wine and the branches,' 'when you did this to the least of my brothers you did it to me' ...

In loving one another we come to experience the living presence of Jesus.
As the father has loved me so I love you. therefore love one another.
He was at the bosom of the Father, offered life for us in his living and dying.
It is for this same experience the church has been preparing us so far in this Easter season.

The disciples were afraid, anxious, disappointed. They were praying, and they were telling the story of their genuine emotions. They loved one another, and strengthened one another as Jesus had once told Peter (Lk 22:32). There they experienced the presence of Jesus, offering peace to their hearts.

When we love another, we too experience the same consolation, embrace from God, holding close as a shepherd. We will l be able to come closer to others to see the wounds with life-giving power available in each other. We will know the infinite love available for us, and the truth that Christ is alive. It tells us what we experience deep within ourselves the life of god, longing for the further welling up of the Holy spirit.

In this difficult time it is a sign of love and trust that we share our fears and anxieties to one another, offer nourishment, comfort and encouragement, hold the life of one another as close as possible, do the good things whatever possible for us.

we will see a miracle; the sacrificial love of many who offered us life. Being in Christ's body they say: see these wounds, love, not be non-loving, but loving.

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