
13 February 2022

Blessed are you!

Those who trust in the Lord have signs of life, and those who rely on themselves have signs of death. A human life worthy of living finding its fulfillment is a life we are able to live in peace and harmony. It is truly a blessing from God if we can be composed both in times of abundance and in times of scarcity. A sense of knowing the hunger and pain of the other is to have the heart of God. Blessings of God understood only in terms of success, prosperity, and creation of wealth is a distortion of the image of God itself. Consequently, that view of blessing will also distort the image of ours. There will be some elite blessed and some poor denied of blessing. Jesus’ offering of the blessedness to the ‘poor and cursed’ was a revolution in the holy kingdom of God.

Blessedness is an invitation to a banquet table Christ has prepared. Many are called together. All have their own special gifts and pains. At the banquet table there is feeding, embracing, healing, and raising one another. Together we begin to experience that we are the living body of Christ.

There were times when human society thought that we have the capacity to rise up beyond our limitations, eradicate pain, sickness, struggle and war. Such humanistic thinking relied so much on human capacity that instead of gathering all it scattered. Jesus vision of the beatitude is to trust in the Father who cares for us. He has filled in us the bread for the hungry, the sense of justice, mercy, peaceful resistance to ensure hearing of deepest cries. The kingdom of God is present and alive in us making the presence of Christ in the world. God does not have to appear in a miraculous way to transmit graces. God has given us the grace within our own flesh and blood. So the super-natural graces works in us very natural way.

Jeremiah 17:5-8 Luke 6:17,20-26

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