
20 February 2022

Can the Gospel be practical?

The more we are familiar with Jesus, the more we can be in likeness with him. This familiarity cannot be from mere claim of knowing Jesus, or proclaiming the great titles ascribed to him. Understanding the attitudes of Jesus, and making them our own is the only way to be like Jesus. It is all about the practicality of the Gospel. 

If Christ is found only as a text to be read, quoted, interpreted and explained, it is only an ideal to boast about and to be intolerant with other's beliefs. When the words are used, repeated, or written down as though they have some magical power, the words are nothing more than words worshiped. We need to get familiar with the person of Jesus in order to understand the  practicality of the Good News. 

Christ lived everything that he had spoken as the blessedness of the Good News. He opened 'heaven' for all who are of good will, the very kingdom which was denied to the poor. They were unable to afford to enter into the kingdom. We can learn from him how he made the kingdom available to them, and showed the practicality of the  Gospel. We may not be able to be so perfect as Christ is. Yet, we can desire for it with all sincerity. That desire prompts us to trust in God wholeheartedly. Our attempt at every moment to live and reflect he Gospel finds its success and failures, yet a steady growth. We are walking with Jesus. Imitation or participation in Christ is not simply inflicting pain and suffering. The participation is in making his attitudes our own. If we are able to share with him every moment our inabilities, difficulties, and success, also how we have grown, we know that we have learned the gospel to be practical. only if they are there at our heart, out rituals, customs, and devotions have any value. If the Gospel is found impractical, heaven is also not real.

Gospel has a wisdom of its own; that is the mind of Christ through which we know the will of God. There are people who have their opinion that we need to have margins to be prudent at 'this time of challenges;' a prudence beyond the wisdom of the Gospel. Gospel. in a close observation we can know that the 'prudence' there simply invites to form attitudes of suspicion, distancing, and othering. It has no wisdom that lead us to a creative preparedness. 

To love, do good, forgive, pray for those who insult, not to hate, avoid anger and jealousy ...  are seen as some moral obligations placed upon us by faith. The Gospel can be experienced as practical when these can be understood as the very nature of faith. 

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