
10 May 2022


Liturgy is to involve us in the reality it desires to represent (using symbols, rituals, and the myths that supports them). If this involvement does not happen liturgy has failed. It becomes an idol rather than symbol. One good example is the Eucharist. Eucharist first holds the life, sacrifice and communion of Christ (communion with the father and all of us. secondly it holds all of us, our life, sacrifices, faith, and communion (communion among ourselves and communion with God through Christ). The above two are administered by the community in the coming together, offering, and praying. Here the community gathers together as the body of Christ, and it is Christ who prays and offers sacrifice. We, being in Christ, worship God who is among us his people. Priest is the minister of the sacramental administration of this mystery. We cannot limit these things into a bread and wine ritual. Often our focus goes to the bread as though the whole meaning of Eucharist is focused on the bread. it impoverishes us from our full involvement in the reality we are to participate.

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