
30 July 2022

My soul ...

If one understands the many dimensions of one's soul, one can only illumine it with gratitude and pour itself out in generosity. It is exactly in a different direction the foolish rich man addressed his 'soul,' 'Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.'

Jesus taught us to have confidence, not in the grain in our barns, but in the providence of God. His call for seeking justice and ensuring the kingdom of God is this providence in human actions and work of grace.

The man who came to Jesus with the request to settle the matter of property was probably denied the just portion that he deserved. His brother may have been greedy and powerful. Jesus probably was sad on the emptiness of that greedy person. This emptiness is also reflected in the sadness filled in the heart of rich young man.

The question is not only about how we handle riches, but what is our richness and what is the sense that it generates in us. We are in a time even crisis is made opportunities for profit at the cost of common welfare. Many lost lives and livelihood to Covid, but during the struggle there emerged many super rich people. Many died and fled due to Ukraine- Russia war, but it became an occasion for weapon sale. People die due to hunger, when we have surplus of food grains.

Greed is connected with the craze for domination. After possessing wealth and ruling over the world, what is the nature of 'soul discovery' within us? If the world is in misery and conflict, that reflects our 'souls.'

Psalmist has a beautiful expression: "Bless the Lord, my soul, let all my being bless his holy name." It is not a verbal jubilation, it is the orientation of the soul for action having found the manifold roots of one's soul.

29 July 2022

Penitential Pilgrimage

"Pope meets the indigenous"
Pope is in 'penitential pilgrimage."
Wow! Beautiful headlines!

The same publishers had blamed Pope for supporting the 'destructive' nature of Amazon Synod. Even the very feather headdress was scorned at. Then, the synod was defending the habitats of the indigenous which challenged the interests of the corporates. So the 'Pope was wrong.' Now, it is simply an apology, and it does not matter to us.

But it should matter to us.
The indigenous voice, songs, dance, and forms of prayer do have the Word element, they deserve recognition. After all who is anyone who is to offer recognition other than Christ himself.
This penitential pilgrimage also should matter to us, because of the injustices caused by categorizing and humiliating some as low cast and outcast.

25 July 2022

Rise again

Advanced warplanes cannot fight the heat waves, and hurricanes,
Yet we are getting for space wars.
Economy of greed, fraud and revenge,
never cares for life on the planet.
The few superrich are assured of life life-savers,
as others struggle for survival.
But, their money cannot stand,
the fire is so hot,
the storm is so strong.
Turn to the dust with gratitude,
see the soul of humanity,
we might rise again.

23 July 2022

Sanctuary of the Lord

Moulding a heart for justice, kindness and peace, we can come to the door of our hearts and say, here is the sanctuary, the sanctuary of the Lord.

It is not one moment effect or a day's effort. Growing goodness and the deprivation of the good remain with us. The thorny nature formed from our deficiencies will turn harmless. The orientation for goodness treats them within.

21 July 2022

Empty images of God

We are stressed because of availability of too many alternatives. We choose the best one,
and immediately there is a feeling that some other choice would be better.
Even God, we prefer the best image suitable for our state of mind,
still we find many others.
We hunt behind these images
in familiar religious imageries,
at the cost of the real one,
ending up loving empty images of God.

Blind eyes

God cannot open the eyes or ears, 
if one has blinded or deafened oneself.
They never grasp the values of the Good News.
They abandon the source of life giving waters, and prefer broken cisterns.
The prophets follow things with no power in them,
not because following any strange Gods,
but by following power and money covered in the very name of God.

Hyper-piety and rigid traditions blind and deafen us.
Truly open ears and eyes recognize the light of the gospel in the very lives they live.
God is gracious.

18 July 2022

Jonah's sign

Jonah stands for anyone, especially the zealous ones,
who applies divine justice exclusively to themselves as the chosen ones,' 
acts with pride,
and condemns all others wrong,
and desires their destruction,
and fails to have tender love.

Christ acted justly,
loved tenderly,
and walked humbly before the Lord.

Who deserves justice according to our judgments?
who deserves our tender love?
are we comfortable to walk humbly or do we need a defenses that pride offers?

17 July 2022

Reception for Jesus

Was there someone for talking to the man who was carried by the good Samaritan to the inn? Was there someone to prepare food for him? We don't know. After all it is a parable. Religion and customs could not receive him, but the stranger could.

Jesus faced rejection from many.
The reception at the house of Martha and Mary was consoling, comforting, and strengthening. They came near to him, poured wine and oil, talked to him and served him. Son of man did need a place to rest and be comforted.

Whether the 'reception' is given or not is not at all a matter for us now. We go to buffet, have food, and return home. But 'reception' does matter whether it be in a family, or society, or in the church. Our comfortable belonging depends on the hearty reception. We must receive it, and offer it.

14 July 2022

Rest for your soul

 "My spirit in me seeks for you."

The spirit is a thirst to grow into what we are meant to be.
The spirit of God touches this thirst, comforts, consoles, strengthens.
The yoke is easy, for it is supported by divine life,
and strengthens our being.
Gradually and slowly, the rest may be felt,
moment of fulfilment, fruition, and passing on.

10 July 2022

Preferring Christ

Having Jesus is not about changing one's belief system. It is a radical choice to be a human so fully that one lives not just for oneself alone but for all humanity and the whole creation. Gifts of the Holy Spirit is given to us to enable us to live this choice.

Until this desire becomes the essence of our worship, Christ will continue to be in a deity form in our imaginations. He will not be experienced as the messiah, and his incarnation will never be experienced as a reality.

Until it is brought to our conviction, the Eucharist will be a bread ritual invoking supernatural power to the bread. God's question to the Israelites will be repeated, "What are your endless sacrifices to me?" The Eucharist is about living in Christ entering into communion he established with God. This communion includes a living sacrifice, reconciliation and fraternity.

Having Jesus necessarily involves sacrifice, communion, a life of gratitude, deeds of love without boundaries. Any attempt to extend the boundaries is sensed as a threat to a community, religion or culture in a cocoon safety. That is the challenge of having Jesus. Preferring one's loved customs, traditions, liturgy, religious leaders and their 'powerful' ministries above Christ is not worthy of Him.

6 July 2022

true sacrifice

God abandons the altars,
even the God imagesthat are symbols of pride and arrogance.
Seek steadfast love,
act with kindness,
there is the altar of God,
and true sacrifice.


Dream of the young as their eyes begin to see,
and the insight of the elders as their sight begins to fade,
both give light to a living community.
A romance, fight, dialogue, search, even abandonment,
is in the Way to Truth and Life.
Light in the young, and the brightness of the elders,
point to the wounded healer risen.
"My God, and my Lord."


Bridegroom's presence (of the gospels) and the rejoicing is like a spring time;
new sprouts, new flowers, new fruits,
the life of grace.
Even in wilderness, streams begin to flow.
celebrate life, celebrate grace, celebrate your fruits.

A renewal is for fruition,
new signs of life for new seasons, perhaps a strange season,
renewal is not a revival or restoration of the old.
Feel that flower, the fruits, the life within,
the presence of the bridegroom.

Fasting for pleasing the bridegroom is like the fig tree without fruits.


His job was to look after sycamore trees,
He preached because he received a message,
He saw the word of God in an innersight.

Preaching as a profession and preaching as a charisma are different.
The former adapts to the political currents and wills of the powerful,
truth, justice, and compassion are neglected.
The latter seeks the will of God,
life and peace of all, good in totality.

Righteousness as a profession, and righteousness from the freedom of heart are different,
The former justifies oneself and condemns all others,
condemns even goodness in others,
the latter acts on the freedom of heart,
shares the compassion and justice that bring life.

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