
10 July 2022

Preferring Christ

Having Jesus is not about changing one's belief system. It is a radical choice to be a human so fully that one lives not just for oneself alone but for all humanity and the whole creation. Gifts of the Holy Spirit is given to us to enable us to live this choice.

Until this desire becomes the essence of our worship, Christ will continue to be in a deity form in our imaginations. He will not be experienced as the messiah, and his incarnation will never be experienced as a reality.

Until it is brought to our conviction, the Eucharist will be a bread ritual invoking supernatural power to the bread. God's question to the Israelites will be repeated, "What are your endless sacrifices to me?" The Eucharist is about living in Christ entering into communion he established with God. This communion includes a living sacrifice, reconciliation and fraternity.

Having Jesus necessarily involves sacrifice, communion, a life of gratitude, deeds of love without boundaries. Any attempt to extend the boundaries is sensed as a threat to a community, religion or culture in a cocoon safety. That is the challenge of having Jesus. Preferring one's loved customs, traditions, liturgy, religious leaders and their 'powerful' ministries above Christ is not worthy of Him.

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