
17 July 2022

Reception for Jesus

Was there someone for talking to the man who was carried by the good Samaritan to the inn? Was there someone to prepare food for him? We don't know. After all it is a parable. Religion and customs could not receive him, but the stranger could.

Jesus faced rejection from many.
The reception at the house of Martha and Mary was consoling, comforting, and strengthening. They came near to him, poured wine and oil, talked to him and served him. Son of man did need a place to rest and be comforted.

Whether the 'reception' is given or not is not at all a matter for us now. We go to buffet, have food, and return home. But 'reception' does matter whether it be in a family, or society, or in the church. Our comfortable belonging depends on the hearty reception. We must receive it, and offer it.

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