
6 July 2022


Dream of the young as their eyes begin to see,
and the insight of the elders as their sight begins to fade,
both give light to a living community.
A romance, fight, dialogue, search, even abandonment,
is in the Way to Truth and Life.
Light in the young, and the brightness of the elders,
point to the wounded healer risen.
"My God, and my Lord."


Bridegroom's presence (of the gospels) and the rejoicing is like a spring time;
new sprouts, new flowers, new fruits,
the life of grace.
Even in wilderness, streams begin to flow.
celebrate life, celebrate grace, celebrate your fruits.

A renewal is for fruition,
new signs of life for new seasons, perhaps a strange season,
renewal is not a revival or restoration of the old.
Feel that flower, the fruits, the life within,
the presence of the bridegroom.

Fasting for pleasing the bridegroom is like the fig tree without fruits.


His job was to look after sycamore trees,
He preached because he received a message,
He saw the word of God in an innersight.

Preaching as a profession and preaching as a charisma are different.
The former adapts to the political currents and wills of the powerful,
truth, justice, and compassion are neglected.
The latter seeks the will of God,
life and peace of all, good in totality.

Righteousness as a profession, and righteousness from the freedom of heart are different,
The former justifies oneself and condemns all others,
condemns even goodness in others,
the latter acts on the freedom of heart,
shares the compassion and justice that bring life.

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