
30 November 2020


There are no poor in this world, because they are not counted.
Do you see some miserable looking humanlike creatures somewhere near you? They are part of the dumb heap of the economic and cultural waste.
Know that we are part of them if you felt anytime you are at the mercy of a manipulative system.
No more humans, but waste, worthless, voiceless, even conscienceless.

Are you afraid to be human?
Cry aloud in unheard feeble voice, even if be killed
show kindness even in misery
stand in dignity even when not favored and threatened
love one another, there can still be humans even in dump heap.

17 November 2020

The Treasure that God has Given

God is worthy of all praise. Finding God to be worthy of all praise is the sense of worship. It is in the heart, and the praise is an attitude. We can praise God in silence, loud voice, sighs, tears, and deep longing. 
"You are our Lord and our God, 
you are worthy of glory and honour and power,
because you made all the universe 
and it was only by your will that everything was made and exists" (Rev 4:11)

There were twenty four elders, the heads of nations, the heads of priestly families, of many generations. All give praise to God made them and gave them authority and power.

There were seven flaming lamps burning, the seven Spirits of God. if they are the holy offices of the spirit the charisma, God is glorified through them. If they are power and strength of God, the dynamis, God is found worthy of all praise in his glory. In Zoroastrianism we see six Amesha Spentas, Holy Immortals: Vohu Manah - Good mind and good purpose, Asha Vahishta - Truth and righteousness, Spenta Ameraiti - Holy devotion, serenity and loving kindness, Khashathra Vairya - Power and just rule, Hauravatat - Wholeness and health, Ameretat - Long life and immortality. They are seen as the attributes of the Great One and through which we are able to have contact with God.

There were four creatures, Lion, Bull, Man, and Eagle, the great empires that ruled over Israel, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. 

All come in adoring the Lord, recognising his greatness.

how can we praise God with joy if we are not grateful for the 'givenness' in what we have received?
How can we praise God with joy if we have no sense of fulfillment in what we have produced out of the grace/life we have received?

The mysteries of the kingdom, a life of grace is given to us as a special gift which will complete according to our very nature. In what shines in them God is glorified. We know that we live our pains and struggles, but in grace. So, every moment is eschatological or apocalyptic, because they call for a radical choice every moment. 

The mystery of the kingdom is given to us, but how many boundaries were we able to transcend? We will be entrusted with richer mysteries of the kingdom. We will be able to think and act like Christ at least in some measure. Kingdom of God is not a Fan association. Number of followers and number of nations cannot really show the presence of the kingdom of God.
Is there efforts for peace, love, and joy? There is the kingdom.

If we safeguarded the mystery of the kingdom given to us within the boundaries we created, we will be added to the group of the faithless servants. they will be thrown into the fire, hands and legs bound unable to act, they will be rejected. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Ref  Rev 4:1-11 Lk 19:11-28 Mt 13: 42

3 November 2020

Religion vs Power craze

It is fully a demonic act when religions justify or promote violence either it be direct physical attack or it is done by words, arrogance, intolerance etc. In fact, those ‘religious’ perspectives have nothing in relation with the essence of those religious faith. What they aim to have is domination and power, and the economic possibilities as further controlling forces. We know that religions are incapable of regulating these factors, and they need to be dealt diligently by the state.

Rather, if the state itself uses religion for power and make religions justify the divisive and violent approaches, it will damage the progress of the nation-state itself. It is necessary to have good politics with good intentions for the common good to have a global network that acts beyond the nexus of corporate powers and political systems.

On the other side, if religions give up their religious depths just for the survival possibilities and seek safety under the ruling state, they betray themselves and cheat the religious faithful. When 'religious structures' re-form themselves into corporates and begin to regulate power and economy using the religious sentiments, unfortunately the faithful believe them to be the face of religion and fall to darkest pits. The agents of those structures are devils holding religious texts and wearing an angel's coat.

5 October 2020

Should we throw away Fratelli Tutti?

Should we throw away Fratelli Tutti (Encyclical Letter on the Fraternity and Social Friendship) because of the language problem in the title?

The document, “Fratelli Tutti,” directly translated “Brothers All”, is expected to be a synthesis of the main priorities of Francis, such as greater solidarity with the poor, dialogue with others and care for God’s creation. He has been pointing out to the context of Covid-19 as an opportunity to reform global economic, political and social structures to ensure that the world’s most marginalized people aren’t left even farther behind after the coronavirus passes.

Francis always addresses crowds as fratelli e sorelle (brothers and sisters). Now the title Fratelli Tutti is taken from the words of St. Francis of Assisi, and no way intends to exclude women. The encyclical begins as “FRATELLI TUTTI”. With these words, Saint Francis of Assisi addressed his brothers and sisters and proposed to them a way of life marked by the flavour of the Gospel.” Encyclicals traditionally take their titles from the first two words of the document. “Fratelli Tutti” is a quote from the “Admonitions,” the compendium of 28 guidelines written by St. Francis in the 13th century addressing to all his fellow friars: "omnes fratres" or, in Italian, "fratelli tutti." The preference of Italian ‘Fratelli’ to original Latin ‘fratres’ seems to be with a more inclusive sense. the Italian phrase has the common connotation of "all of humanity" and is, by default, inclusive.

It is not just unfortunate if anyone feels that women are excluded or the encyclical endangers women around the world. How can someone read the document as though Pope Francis keeps women away. The encyclical calls out for ways how people relate to the poor, the elderly, people from other religions, and migrants and immigrants.  The encyclical by its very nature is addressed to the whole world and addresses all sisters and brothers, all men and women who populate the earth: everyone, inclusively, and in no way exclusively. The subtitle “on the fraternity and social friendship” points to the intention and content of the document. Stopping at the title would show being too superficial in our intentions. What is needed is a dialogue about the ways in which we relate to each other continues to be fragmented and broken.

Recalling the attacks on the Amazon synod by corporate interests, and the blind criticisms on Pope Francis’ Call for signing Global Pact of Education (both oppositions camouflaged in the ideology of ‘true faith,’ and ‘faithful Christianity’), this present dissonance falling prey to gender politics might take the worthy attention away from the greatness of the document in its call for solidarity of all humanity (Of course, the encyclical goes against the interests of some Christian nationalist populists). Keeping aside the title issue, what is essential in Fratelli Tutti is a way forward for a new humanity; a powerful invitation to name ‘all others, strangers and enemies’ as close to the heart of Christ as my neighbour, friend, companion, brother, sister…

27 September 2020

Can you go to the vineyard?

Life is not just a promise of God, God has given us life, God desires that we live fully. 

We bear in us personal sorrows, and that is natural, but it should not be giving way to be a form or a measure of death in us. When we bear lifelessness we spread death around.

We deceive ourselves very well by saying great Yes to the peripherals and profits while neglecting the core. We are ready to receive the incentives, but not really serious about what is important - Christ and his values. To defend our deceptive choices we also make radical ideals out of them often compromising Christ. Often these ideals remain within some closed definitions. 

Radical ideals without faithfulness is absolute hypocrisy. Here it aims only the defense of the ideologies one attaches one's identity.

When it is said, "Go to the vineyard" (Mt 21:28) we are given the power to chose life or death for ourselves and for others. There is already the reward, 'Enter into the joy of your master,' or 'enter into life.'  For the work of the vineyard is that of life. The great natural reality is life, death is only a mysterious part of it. Unfortunately we are burdening ourselves with the concerns of death. There is every possibility of opening channels of grace and life. May our roots touch once again the streams of life. God is life-giver, not destroyer. Even the messages of punishment is with the purpose that we turn away from the ways of death and live. 

Can you go to the vineyard?

What matters is what we do in the vineyard. For the Pharisees and the elders, they were fully assured of their favour according to what their definitions of righteousness said. The 'sinners' had no assurance, but they had only the hope they found in God. this difference matters. Entering into the vineyard with the joy of the master is a faithful labour, harvest in the vineyard. 

Those self-experts of every matter of the vineyard will put the outcome of their evil justifications under  vine, causing damage to the vine.  They blame the neighbours when vine withers. Faithful ones will labour knowing the mind of the master.

30 August 2020

Deformed or reformed Church?

In the Church there is continuity because  it is the same Christ that lives within the Church and whose body the Church is. There is also freshness and newness in the Church because of the Holy Spirit the giver of life. 

When the Church forgets Christ and seeks to become an imperial power in governance, a militant body in approaches, and a business structure in its dealings it ceases to be the Church. There is no Christ there, and so it is no more the Church. It may have deformed itself to a political-economic power.  

8 August 2020

Learn and Preach

It was in a night long conversation with an innkeeper that St Dominic recognized his specific mission. In a time people were affected by famine, they were also suffering from error of faith. They were convinced to hate and torture their bodies and human existence in the name of God. Dominic realized the need for learning and preaching.

He knew that truth to be encountered in proper discerning between right and wrong. Learning was necessary in distinguishing what is wrong in wrong and what is right in right. Preaching without learning would bring more harm. Here in the context of Dominic and his companions, it was learning of the Scripture and the teachings of the Church.

Filled with compassion for the people he spent his days in preaching and nights in prayer. In short, for the rest of his life he either spoke with God or about God. He preached the truth of God and the truth of humanity. trusting in the affectionate care of Mother Mary he contemplated and preached the mysteries of Christ and his Gospel. Gradually those preachings would emerge as the mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

The concept of dual principles of good and evil separating God and the World, soul and body, spirituality and worldliness is still prevalent in many forms even today. They are attractive and easy to believe. They well manipulate crisis and fill fear and despair among people, and the melancholic outcome  is appreciated as devotional disposition. Seeing such attractive piety satisfy people some popular preachers chose them as personal revelations and teach people and even exploit their suffering.

We are entrusted to preach the truth, truth of God and truth of humanity. The fact that we do not possess the whole truth as 'something' in us, asks us to be open for learning. Contemplating the new face of truth in every age we recognise the revelation of God. Then we have a message for the particular point of history. This is the very point at which the Dominicans at times wonderfully succeeded and at times pathetically failed. 

There were also other wandering preachers who took upon themselves the ministry of preaching and spreading of faith. Their concern was the inadequacy of the church authorities and they went away form the Church. There were also crusaders who could be at the disposal of St. Dominic. He chose to reject both these possibilities. His choice challenges us even today.

Right wing politics and religiosity is challenge of today. Dominic was fully convinced that we cannot preserve or defend faith nor can we share the message of the Gospel by power and wealth. He knew rather they were obstacles. Those attempting to protect the church with power and wealth never listen to what the church listens from Christ and what the church speaks even if they are in the high positions of the Church.

We belong to the truth, belong to Christ. Learning/studying is hard. There we will have to face truth unknown so far, our own ignorance, and realise the risk of faith-taken for granted. Preaching without learning offers deformed face of God and humanity. Learn the truth in reading, sensitive seeing, conversing, reflecting ...  Learning, contemplating, praying, sharing the truth of the Gospel in our age is  the way of  encountering Christ.

25 July 2020


Compassion is not extending some help,
Compassion is an outcome of response to justice,
to ensure what one deserves.
compassion is also a challenge to the unjust system that cultivate injustice and take away those that one deserves.

See the compassion of Jesus
He fed the hungry with food they deserved,
challenged the system that bluffed the people giving them stones for bread.

Real compassion matters our life and resources.

16 July 2020

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Under her protective care she guards her children.

If so protected, what is it for?
- to love
love is not a milk-sugar business, it is a serious responsibility
to walk together, shoulder the burdens, raise the weak, support the victims of injustice ...
that is how Jesus loved
- to learn and to contemplate
in love we learn many things that we have been closed to'
they are revelatory and opening our inner depths
- love
this deeper dimension holds us in union with God and all others in the bright light we received in the early two steps.

14 July 2020

The God who rules when God Dies

Religious-nationalist politics has become a cultural sickness globally even when the death of God is celebrated on one side.
Some do it by mourning, some by claiming, and others by boasting.
Any one who stands for the good of humanity today,
needs to see beyond 'us' and 'ours' alone.

Though in the name of religion and God, religious-nationalist politics never had nor will ever have anything to do with God and faith. For them religion is the only language of power that they can handle.

3 July 2020

My Lord, and My God

"You have authority over me, and you are worthy of trust"
Your wounds are testimony to that.
Thank you.

20 June 2020

A Heart Full of Love: Mary

"Do not be afraid, Mary..."
Mary had great love,
so great a love that filled her with courage,
courage to love without fear and doubt.
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord," said Mary.
May we too have the courage to love without fear and doubt,
both God and others

15 June 2020

Crossing the CoVid Sea

Every life is valuable without grades
Life of the poor is to be valued as ours.
Our identity slogans and ideologies have no significance for the future. Only if we move beyond our boundaries we can win as one humanity. CoVid has already raised new challenges with hunger, depression, anxiety and uncertainty.
We need to come up as small communities that can take care of these pains, helping financially, emotionally, and intellectually. May it become a culture of human goodness.

We cannot afford to have a sterile conscience that can let the vulnerable die of hunger, break their heart in fear of future. If we win, we will win as humanity. if 'we' alone survive and leave 'them' to die out, we are ensuring a horrible death.

We cannot neglect the poor and the vulnerable,
it is not that we care for them, we need them.
They feed us, they build us...
Even our silence is a choice against their survival; and of ours.
We must speak, within and among us.
We must speak of the struggles, failings, and possibilities.
Together we can see the pain of life,
together we can form a vision, a vision of new exodus.

4 June 2020

Love for life

Love for life is not all about the number of one' own children,
it is about facilitating a dignified living.
We need only to look around the need for life,
the response will show how pro-life we are.
Silent cry of the unborn is unjustly politicised,
unheard cry of the unprivileged is unjustly neglected.
Life stands throttled.

5 May 2020

Life has its Way

Life is more powerful than its destroyer,
it might take thousands of years,
but it will emerge in new forms.

No field of knowledge, no religion has authority over life.
Both the greatness and helplessness of science,
and the depth and absurdities of religion are known to us now.

Life is to be set as the foundational truth, motive, purpose of every quest we have.

23 April 2020

Breaking the bread in CoVid days

Gathering together at a suitable time (probably evening), feel the presence of God as one family.
In silence,
Thanking God for being with us,
Bring the whole day before God, even  the concerns for tomorrow...
moments of love, care, anger, disappointment, stress, confidence, accompaniment, hatred, temptations...
Offer them all to God, trusting in God, believe that they are accepted.

Encourage all to share some special experience of the day, or news heard or an image seen and the sentiments towards.. how you made it a prayer and experienced the presence of Christ.
It is as to experience, "Yes, Jesus is here."
Pray for all in need, all that you need to bring in prayer.

Read a portion of the Gospel. Listen once again in heart. Thank Jesus for bringing the Gospel in your life moments.

Breaking of bread (it will  have no sacramental nature but a prayerful remembrance)
- A portion of the meal prepared
Thank God for the gift of the earth and its produce, thank God for the many hands work day and night for the welfare of the society (emphasize some if a context is significant),
remember those who are hungry, those denied a place from the community,
encourage a sense of gratitude as the breaking signifies the sacrifices of many,
pray for those for whom our lives are offered in sacrifice
pray for the grace to sacrifice our life for those immediately present and others
pray for the grace to forget divisions and remain one as the bread is shared among the members.
pray for healing from pride, prejudices, false-pride, insecurities and suspicions...

Experience a time of peace, being filled with life from God
Spend a few moments inviting the grace to accompany in our journey specially in difficult moments.
Ask God to fill us with compassion, love, unity, good will and peace.
I have in my mind three types of groups; ordinary family, family with sick or elderly, labourers' dormitory or hostel

If there are children make them understand what it is and encourage and help them to be reflective and attentive in this experience during the day. It only requires a sensitivity to see more and feel more about the goodness around, and the pain and struggles around. Let them learn to be sensitive and compassionate to humanity and nature. initiate them also to the dynamics of nature.

What is required is a sincere feeling, remembrance, and commitment. Letting a devotionalism within this may not produce what is intented. It is spontaneous and familial.

Of course it might be a matter of shyness initially, but it can offer a lot of depth not only in our personal lives, also in our knowledge of God.

19 April 2020

Divine Mercy

Grant us and the whole world the grace to be merciful, that we may receive mercy. Lord we trust in you.
For any devotion to be fruitful, we need to have an earnest desire to have the virtue intented in the devotion.
Having war, competition, and hatred (even out of religious reasons) at heart, we cannot celebrate Divine Mercy.

18 April 2020

Hunger @ post-CoVid-19

Hunger seems to be the new perspective through which the Gospel will be read and must be preached.
Hunger has always been there, but since it was 'their' hunger it was never really felt.
Though some of us may still have food, it will be under the eyes of millions who are hungry.
The bread we eat may be an extra privilege, and so does demand extra gratitude.
The felt hunger and gratitude must necessarily reflect in the breaking of the bread, because the bread becomes a privileged presence of life for many.
Amidst the struggle and sensed gratitude, the available food is always raised as a gift that in turn to be shared to others. Giving thanks, can families begin to have a ministry of 'breaking of bread.' Though it may not have a sacramental nature it can bring a great sense of givenness of resources and that of others. It might also connect the family with the millions elsewhere who have no food.

16 April 2020

Gospel after CoVid-19

We seem to be stepping into a different world; different ways of education, interactions, social patterns, perhaps even religious behaviors.
- A world divided between business interests and the struggle
to survive
- A world of hunger, joblessness and homelessness,
- A world that would be shaped in small cluster patterns.

In the same world we see the Crucified and the Risen,
in common efforts, good will, cooperation, compassion, goodness and love.

He may be betrayed;
because both the cut-throat profit seeking in business
and the competing banners of religion are at work.

We need small groups of good will that can carry out the life-giving life of Jesus; a common consciousness of humanity towards abundance and flourishing of life.

Now is the time to saw the seed with the deepest desire and conviction,
thus to become agents, witnesses, and recipients of the Gospel.

13 April 2020

Hear Your Name

There was a star when Jesus was born,
where is the star of the resurrection?

Brightness of the resurrection shines in our hearts,
new level of faith, hope, and deeds of goodness.
Mary stood at the tomb weeping,
she did not recognize Christ standing near.
He called her by name, "Mary"
Thomas was losing hope, puzzled, wandering,
He called him too by name, "Thomas"
That was enough for them to light up new life within them.

When you become empty and lonely, and darkness fills everywhere,
when you are afraid of death, death begins to overpower you,
You can hear Christ calling you by name,
a voice, tender and loving,
"I have called you by name, and you are mine."

12 April 2020

Day is dawned

Day is dawned,
still dark, cold, and fearsome.
The dead, the dying, the weak... What next...
The Risen one said: "Peace be with you."
"We can't Lord."
"I know it is hard.
Come, see my wounds, keep your hands on my wounds."

"My Lord, and my God."

He Walks with Us

The empty tomb,
empty churches,
people confined to their houses...

They could not find him in the tomb, nor in the temple.
The angel said: "He is not here."
Magdalene went in search of him,
He himself walked with her,
Magdalene hears being called by her name.

Go to Galilee...
invisible but a presence of nearness, true and constant
walking once again, through the same path
in the boat and on the shore at Tiberius,
through the fields where they argued who was the greatest,
places where he healed the sick,
He is with us, and among us.
they saw him, knew him, and believed.
Though the doors were shut, if we can be one in heart,
we can hear again, " Peace be with you."

Emmanuel - God with us
But they came from Sanhedrin -
"What do you know who were born in sin?"
"Hear only what we say, and do that. only that is right."
With that sense of righteousness,they went again to the tomb in search of him.
Christ too walked with them to the tomb since he wanted to  be with them.
When they returned, he too walked
to their houses, working places, offices.
They spoke the things they learned, that was right for them,
He longed to listen from their hearts.

He is with us, the Risen one; at home, in the school, at the study desk, in hospitals, in fields, in rivers to swim, in the sea ...

11 April 2020

She [the whole medical staff] Stood Outside the Tomb Weeping

...early in the morning they came to anoint the wounds of the healer, now laid lifeless.
She stood outside the tomb weeping.

At the time of a pandemic these days, there are Medical care staff anointing the pain and fear of the sick, the dying, and the abandoned with care, encouragement, compassion, and companionship. These healers themselves are turning lifeless, hungry, fatigued,and some dead. 
They stood by them, and outside the wards sobbing.

They do not have time to weep or to complain; they are not even permitted to do so. ... 
The powers that do not take their life into account are giving a free hand for silencing and killing life itself. What interests make them heartlessly blind? Which are those powers that keep life locked in the tomb? Lauds and cheers become a cruel joke at the risk that the medical staff take if their life and safety are not ensured.

The guards of the tomb threw into silent darkness the resurrection that they saw before their eyes, having received money and being submissive to powers.
How could they bear the burden of that silence?
Judas who sold his master,
the authorities and guards who dice the resurrection for money.

We are witnessing that money do keep control over life even today.

10 April 2020

When the Word is Silent

The Word is silent;
a time for us
that we pray in patience and trust.
'Storming the heavens' may not calm the storm,
growing sense of belonging holds us in care.
Leave activism and performances,
stand still in trust and silence,
filled with his peace.

5 April 2020


What are the signs that our lives are open towards life even in the midst of pain and anxiety due to the pandemic, deaths, sorrow...?

"The Kingdom of God is within you," he said. 
The signs of lives also will surely be within and among us,
even within those entering into the mystery of death.
Seeing Him dying, the one near to him saw paradise in Him,
and another the light of righteousness.

Time passes through gloom and fear of CoVid-19
Should there not some new tender sprouts during this transformation into a new person?
We must sing Hosanna raising those tender sprouts of new hope.
Hope is a sign that the life of God is really active in us. We are are being formed and transformed every moment in that life. Only then we can live as Christ, in his life, death, and resurrection.
It is a life-process to live and complete the life-giving mystery of Christ, as a person and as a community; to be human like Christ, to sacrifice life like Him, and lead many to life.

This week is a remembrance of self-emptying and sacrifice. May we be able to imitate the life-giving sacrifice of Christ, to live that life, prepare our minds and to plan as possible for these on going efforts. Our own surrounding is the Jerusalem and Calvary for us. Unless we bring the sacrificial moments to our everyday moments, we cannot live as Christ. Such attitudes of life-giving sacrifice  are more required than ritualistic abstinence. 

These were the mind of Christ,
It was not like a judge that he offered forgiveness,
it was not like a miracle worker that he offered healing;
he offered life by emptying himself,
extending comfort in sorrows, life in death.
To pass on comfort, life, and healing like Christ,
we need to be able to empty our selves, and fill ourselves with life.
A real sacrifice is to keep aside the boundaries that provide 'special'ness/ highness
redemption is to take others to one's own richness of life, and enable to live.
(it is liberative to reflect on the boundaries that Christ challenged and destroyed. We may be able to recognize those boundaries that have taken a place equal eve to God).
The simple deeds flowing from a vision of life-fullness in self emptying sacrifice are the signs of hope during these time of pain, the sincere sacrificial rituals of the way of Christ.

Hosanna (God saves)
Lord, we pray;
Grant us life and strength.

Let us take joyfully the fresh shoots of new branches,
hoping that they will flower, bear fruits,
with an attitude to sacrifice life, and fill many with lives.

25 March 2020

Grace at Heart @ CoVid-19

1) Are you serving directly in this fight to save the humanity? 
You are, of course, engaged fully.
Just keep in your heart, “God, be in me, and be with us”

2) Are you locked down at home?
There is a long time to pass
Alone, away, constrained, concerned…
Pass over gracefully.

See well
The News, the updates, instructions, orders ...
The sick, the abandoned, the dying, the people in healthcare, the fleeing migrants,
Read their pain, fear, hunger, health, fatigue,

Our own people - spouse, parents, children, friends...
There are lots of things to read attentively in them,
Which we never gave attention;
their love, likes, desires, complaints, silence…

See well the world, society, the poor, caretakers, the police, the government...
Read attentively, the many cares that we took for granted.

See well the nature, the plants, the animals, the air, the water,
Read attentively the mysteries we desacralized

Feel them
Feel what is seen and read,
Imagine the path they walk, hold their pain, rejection, neglect, struggle, fatigue, fear …

Express them in gestures, sighs, or even in words,
Your heart might whisper just a word, ‘O God.’
It is your sincere cry that involves your prayer for them, repentance for what is neglected, gratitude for what is seen as received.

Hear the voice of God, speaking to you and the whole of what you have seen, read felt and voiced.
Feel the consolation, comfort, and the presence of God for you and for the world,
in hospitals, in streets, with the sick and the dying, with the caretakers and the scientists, with the police and the governments.
Firmly believe the presence of God, not just for your protection and care, but all the more the presence with the sick and the dying.

You could see the presence of God as a guest and a host within the locked down house.
Since it is simple, it might be hard to practice.
Make an attempt trusting in grace
It might also fill you with compassion and courage.
Ref. Traditional pattern of Lectio Divina – Read, Meditate, Speak, Contemplate –  

10 March 2020

Extreme Pietism vs Prudence @ Covid-19

All forms of 'Bannerism' must be avoided in calling for prayers, adorations, and other spiritual activities.

Prayer is not a doing, it is an attitude, a relationship, a confidence, and a sense of relying on to God.

Earnestly,we pray that the Lord may grant us peace; to guard our faith, and place our confidence in the efforts of social and medical agents.

Many inventions came out of intuitions; and it is not given as a revelation from outside but given for the working mind. So peace is something important for the intuition to be recognised. It is an effort of humanity for the sake of all the living.

Any form of extreme pietism can only bring counter effects, and it is not the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If it is advised to avoid crowding in any form, gathering for 'prayer' is not a prayer at all. Praying is important, but not the coming together in great number. We might seek the intercession of the saints, or use traditional prayers in the time of perils. But these are not to be considered as 'the formula' or a 'magical spell' that totally solve problems.

23 February 2020

Peace at heart for a good Lent

Peacemakers, when they work for peace, sow the seeds which will bear fruit in holiness (James 3:18). In other words, Peace is the seed-ground for holiness.

We have at our heart the bitterness of jealousy, or a self-seeking ambition, competitions, intentional hatred, and quarrels; they are all against peace, both the inner peace and peace among people.  Often they are self-projections, or self-centered claims. At times we cover up truth with lies. we may not take notice of them because they may have become normal, and 'required' ways. They even take a noble face in the name of ministries and are well justified. Thus we have become 'good' pseudo-charismatic, pseudo-catholic, and pseudo-Christians. We are unfortunately very comfortable because, often, these are put into dialogue only in closed and like-minded community (nowadays most often in cyber-communities).

We are able to do every kind of thing, we may be possessing influential positions, we may have powerful voice, but only in peace we can have the right doing, right position, and right voice and deliberations, and thus come to the attitudes of Christ. Thus, peace is a challenge and testimony of the heart. To test holiness, we need to check how peaceful we are, and how peacefully we approach life and its events. Perhaps it reminds us of Martha 'worried of many things.' One thing is necessary, ie being faithful to the commitment that the Lord has entrusted at present. Peacefully listen to him in the same commitment and the journey that is ongoing. Sometime our restless attitude of doing many 'spiritual works' itself may be  taking away our peace. What must be done, and how they must be done... all are our worries. 

It is a confidence in the accompanying presence of God, where we can say that nothing will ever disturb, I will not be shaken (Ps 30; Ps 16: 8). It is not on our success and fast results, but a confidence in the work of the Lord, and our fidelity and trust on to him. If we truly knows that God lives our lives will be of calmness. he says " be still and know that I am God (Ps 46: 10). Our troubles begin when we take up a 'saviourship' for ourselves.

Even today the question of Jesus asks us to look at our becoming of His self: "How much longer must I be with you?" (Mt 17:17)

It is an invitation for a new birth for our own experience of ever continuing actions of God in our life (experiencing the kingdom of God), and also to invite others to this great banquet of the generously available actions of God in and through us (sharing the kingdom of God).

Preparation for Easter is a preparation for a new creation. We see the new waters, and the Light of Life rises as the first born of new creation.

Our Lenten fast often limits to a number of 'what to avoid.' Fasting should not end up in a material fasting. It has no value unless it helps us in a graceful self-emptying process. Fasting is not looking for some blessings-because-of-my-fasting. It is also not intended for a spiritual or physical 'fitness.' the time of fasting  is an effort to put on the virtues of Christ, and ultimately to put on Christ himself.   
Uninstallation of Apps or running away from situations is not a right way of fasting. A prudent disciplined way of growth is what is to be well learned  here. To pick up some (needed) virtues and make efforts to practice them would be a sincere path. It is really a hard work more than avoiding some liked-things. Imagine taking efforts to love, being kind, forgiving ... as possible everyday. It is a liberative growth process. Trusting onto grace it is an effort to chose to love, chose to forgive, chose to shed tears if they are held within and kept frozen. Grace will moisturize the dryness, melt anger and hatred, and guide jealousy and pride. It is the path of God to chose for peace. That is how the messenger of God brings the good tidings, and proclaims peace (Is 52:7). Then the world knows that the lord still acts.

Of course we might fail, but trusting onto the grace and walk through the struggle is the Way of the Cross. Christ never puts us into shame in case of failures. Not failing is not what Christ expects us to learn form the path of his cross. It is the lessons of trust that we must learn from Christ because he is with us. Let all my being bless his holy name, thus begins Psalm 103. God is praised because he has formed us from the soil of the earth (Ps 103:14). The accompanying presence offers us the path to peacefulness. How can we walk this path unless we do not have gratitude, acceptance, and joyful surrender. In fact it is in this process peace emerges which is offered as a gift. In peacefulness we are constantly encouraged, not led to despair and fear. So the season of Lent is a season of finding ourselves, and finding Christ in us. Christ also is born from the seed of the Word sown in peace, because peace is in the hearts of people of good will. "Peace signifies an abundant, or flourishing life" (Pope Francis).
I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me
and have not let my enemies rejoice over me.
O Lord, I cried to you for help
and you, my God, have healed me.
O Lord, you have raised my soul from the dead,
restored me to life from those who sink into the grave.
Sing psalms to the Lord, you who love him,
give thanks to his holy name.

His anger lasts a moment; his favor all through life.
At night there are tears, but joy comes with dawn.
I said to myself in my good fortune:
Nothing will ever disturb me.

Your favor had set me on a mountain fastness,
then you hid your face and I was put to confusion.
To you, Lord, I cried,
to my God I made appeal:
What profit would my death be, my going to the grave?

Can dust give you praise or proclaim your truth?
The Lord listened and had pity.
The Lord came to my help.
For me you have changed my mourning into dancing,
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.

So my soul sings psalms to you unceasingly.
O Lord my God, I will thank you for ever. 
(Psalm 30)


21 February 2020

Catholicity of Jesus

The culture and religion of the time of Jesus would keep some as 'sinners' and enemies. The elite claimed higher holiness, more perfect ritual and moral correctness, and specially 'preferred' status. They kept themselves away from anything and anyone that was 'unclean.' Instead, Jesus welcomed them all, all who wished to  come to him. They were all the children of God. He could extend himself to them, or he could see them all in himself. Thus loving oneself and loving others became one and the same process. That was the catholicity Jesus showed.

24 January 2020

Trust, and have no Fear

"My God, I trust in you, I will not fear"
My God I trust in you, You have found me deserving your trust...
An experience of God being merciful to me, compassionate and kind to me.

God showers graces and I find myself something worth.

In doubt and in fear,
we cannot trust, we cannot be confident,
we cannot trust others,
we cannot feel that we deserve the trust of others;
the danger of self-centered powers.
Parents to children and children to their parents,
Leader to one's flock, and flock to their leader.

"Your kingdom come" is a prayer in deep hope and trust.
Jesus places his trust in his disciples whom he called.
Jonathan trusted in David, he was not threatened by the existence of his friend,
he understood that David deserved the throne.

David trusted his friend, trusted Saul as his own father, he spares Saul's life.

Saul lost his trust in God, David, and people, and he lost himself.

5 January 2020

Followed, believed, worshiped @ Epiphany 2020

Wise men came to visit, "they saw the child with his mother and they worshiped him."
In their wisdom and power, they found the presence of the child worthy of honour, value, and life.

The divine presence made known to the whole world.

The revelation is not just for a moment, it is a spark towards its completion.
The Gospels speak to us the moments of miracles and healing,
the moments made us follow him, walk along, walk ahead.

The Gospels speak of the moments of recognition and realisation,
Mary and the disciples at Cana,
Nathaniel, Nicodemus, Samaritan woman, the paralytic,
the woman left free of judgement, Thomas..., and we
the moments that open us towards believing in him.

Immersing into the revelation and life-giving acts in creation, incarnation and redemption,
seeing how we are also part of these acts,
the experience of recognition and realisation,
recognising him around, realising him here - in me and in my realities

That revelation, the presence is worthy of trust, and belief,
worthy of acknowledging to be the author of power life, healing and strength.
before that presence we can offer our search for richness and depth, meaning and life, beauty and affection.
there is worship in truth and spirit.

A moment of true worship,
there will be a different way.

The wise men returned to their place through another way.
See രാജാക്കൾ തിരിച്ചു നടന്ന വഴി

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